Sowing the SEADs of Success

From the Assistant Principal: Wellbeing & Engagement
It is beginning to feel a lot like the end of the year! It is always the time of year when students are getting restless, tired and are ready for the break. With that in mind, it is important at this time of year to keep standards high, continue with usual routines and schedules including around activities and bedtimes and to keep reminding our young people to finish the year on a strong and positive note. Thank you for your continued support with this.
There are still many activities coming up between now and our last day of term, Thursday 8 December 2022. Year 10 and 11 have their exams, Year 11 then have a taste of what it will be like in Year 12 for the last week doing their Year 12 subjects with their new teachers and Year 7 to 9 will have some time to enjoy each other’s company with activities planned. For the last day of term, please refer to the letter that was sent by Dr Archard earlier this week with an early finish time of 1.15pm. Loreto College buses will also run at that time arriving home early. Please ensure your daughter knows what the plan is for her going home that day.
We are pleased to announce that the 2023 Indigenous Immersion trip planned for April next year is going ahead. We have had strong interest from Years 7 to Year 11 (or Year 8 to Year 12 2023) and we are very much looking forward to the fabulous opportunity to share Indigenous homelands and deepen our knowledge of culture and country with our students. Given the strong interest, we will hopefully be able to offer another Indigenous Immersion in coming years.
Last week we were wowed by Seussical the Musical and what a show! Congratulations to all involved. It is no small feat for the students and staff to run five shows over a three-day period to an almost packed audience each time and for that we are grateful. The standard of the show was tremendous, and we look forward to seeing the girls on Broadway in the not-too-distant future. Thank you to the parents who spent many evenings and weekends waiting for rehearsals, costume changes and of course attending the show.
A few reminders for the holidays;
There is a new Loreto College Uniform Guideline available on Loreto Connect under ‘Students’ - Please ensure uniforms are respectable for the start of next year, particularly summer dress length is to be at the knee, only one earring per ear and blazers as the outer garment on the way to school.
The Loreto College Parent Handbook has also been updated for 2023 and can be found on Loreto Connect under the Student section.
Anna Partridge
Assistant Principal: Wellbeing and Engagement
SEAD Across the College
As end of year exams approach for years 10 and 11, this is a timely reminder of how to help young people cope with pressure and work smarter to achieve the results they desire. Exams can crop up in many areas of life (i.e., driving tests) so learning how to effectively sit an exam is important.
Exams are like a game. Once you know how to play the game, your chances of achieving great results rapidly increase. Parents can learn how to assist their kids to maintain perspective, efficient study habits and set realistic expectations on their performance.
Diet, exercise and sleep also play an important part in helping a student balance a busy schedule with their study. Keeping stress levels to a minimum and reducing anxiety can be achieved through careful planning and having a supportive environment.
Please click here to access the SchoolTV edition of Exam Jitters which has many tips and tricks.
If you have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact your daughter’s ELC Educator, Classroom Teacher, or Head of Junior School and Early Learning Centre, or the relevant Leader of Student Wellbeing and Academic Care, or Mentor/Subject Teacher in the Senior School. You also are encouraged to seek medical or professional help.
Monica Bignold
College Psychologist R-12
Life in Boarding
The Boarding House has had a sunny vibe this past fortnight with beach trips, dancing the night away for our younger girls at Wilderness social, festival decorations are up, and the last IYLP event for 2022. The Year 11 & 10’s are moving into their new rooms for 2023, Boarder representative nominations are ongoing and the Boarding Executive Team have been busy planning an exciting start to the year ahead. Commitment weekend plans are taking shape centred around a heartfelt theme for 2023.
It is hard to believe that only two weeks are left for our Boarders! Santa and Kris Kringle will make a guest appearance with a celebration dinner planned at the end of term.
Ms Kerry Houston
Director of Boarding