From the Principal 

Dr Nicole Archard

Our Talented Girls

Last week I was in awe of our Senior School girls who played roles in our production of the musical Seussical, which is an appropriation of many children’s stories from Dr. Seuss. I was thoroughly entertained from beginning to end. Musicals are such an important part of our co-curricular offerings, not only do they provide a creative outlet for the girls, they also assist the girls to form strong friendships across year levels, they help the girls to develop their confidence through performance, and they also assist with girls’ wellbeing by providing a happy and positive space where girls can flourish and be themselves. 


The high professional level of this production was only made possible due to our dedicated staff, who are not only experts in their own professional fields but also gave up many hours of their time across weekends and after school. I would like to personally acknowledge the following teachers in particular and also the many other teachers who supported this team in multiple ways. 

  • Mr Matthew Randell 
  • Mr Tim de Jong 
  • Ms Casmira Lorien 
  • Ms Georgia Brass 
  • Ms Lisa Schulz 

End of Year

This week I communicated with you the details concerning our last day events for students. All girls are expected to be at school until and including the last day of term. I would appreciate it if parents could help support us with this objective. There is a long holiday break ahead of the girls at the conclusion of the school year where they will all enjoy a good break and rest. The last days of school hold many important events for the girls which the staff spend a great deal of time preparing; we look forward to celebrating the end of the year with the girls as well as our school community. 


Dr Nicole Archard
