Wellbeing & RE News

RE News
This term as a school, with the support of our Student Rep Team we are focusing on fundraising for Catholic Mission Australia by taking part in the Socktober Challenge.
What is Socktober?
Socktober cultivates the passion of students to rise up, engage their local community and take action against poverty through the world game of soccer.
It provides young people in Australia with the opportunity to lead in mission, encouraging them to think not only of what they will do to help, but why they will do it.
The Socktober program utilises the Head, Heart, Hands framework to help students think deeply about why they are participating and raising funds for missionary works.
Through the resources and learning pathways developed for Socktober by Catholic Mission, students first get their headsaround the reality of children in developing countries.
Then through first-hand storytelling from partners, and activities throughout Socktober fill students’ hearts with love and compassion for the people we are supporting.
This compels us to use our hands to take action. We pray, advocate for and financially support children in need, in whatever way we can.
As the term progresses, we will share more information about Socktober, and stay tuned for information about an afternoon event for our students in early November.
Take Care,
Kate Harris
Wellbeing & RE Leader