The Resilience Project

Dear Parents,


Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships is part of Health and Physical Education and Personal and Social Capabilities areas of the Victorian Curriculum.

At BPS we teach our students to treat everyone with respect and dignity. We model and promote respect, positive attitudes and behaviours.

In term 4, our focus across the school has been on the following units.

Unit 7 – Gender and Identity

The learning activities in this unit assist students to challenge stereotypes and evaluate the influence of gender norms on behaviour and attitudes. Students will engage in age appropriate activities and learn about issues relating to rights and gender identity with the focus being respect for diversity and difference.

Unit 8 – Positive Gender Relationships

The learning activities for this unit build an understanding and awareness of the effects of gender-based violence and focus on the standards associated with respectful relationships.

Age appropriately, students develop skills required to solve problems, set boundaries within relationships and learn how to play an active role within the prevention of gender-based violence. Students will practise help-seeking skills and strategies when encountering uncomfortable or unsafe situations involving peers or adults.

If you would like to find out more about Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships please click the following link.

The Wellbeing Team

Fiona Arthur and Vicky Soldatos