Health & Wellness


Australia is preparing for its next COVID-19 wave — here's a look at the rules if you test positive  (infofrom ABC report).


Australians no longer have to isolate when they have COVID-19 but, with cases rising as new variants emerge and vaccination coverage wanes, different states have different recommendations about what to do if you are infected.


Victoria's Department of Health recommends you isolate for at least five days and until you do not have symptoms anymore, including by not going to work, school or grocery shopping.

It says people should not work in or visit high-risk settings like hospitals, aged care, and disability services.

For at least seven days after testing positive, wear a face mask if you need to leave home in an emergency.

Positive RAT results should be reported with the Department of Health online or by calling 1800 675 398.

Department of Education & Training

Victorian DET guidelines state that symptomatic staff members, students or visitors are strongly recommended to undergo testing for COVID-19.


Parents of students who are symptomatic should be asked to collect their child from school and to keep them home until they are no longer symptomatic. 


Management of confirmed cases at school: Department of Health recommends that a person who tests positive to COVID-19 report that result to their employer, school and household. 


Where a student or staff member is identified as a positive case, the following steps should be taken: 

  • Parents/carers should complete the Student COVID-19 COVID Test Portal
  • Students who report a positive result are strongly recommended to isolate for a minimum of 5 days
  • Students who report a positive result are strongly recommended to not attend school until their symptoms have resolved

Further information from the Department of Education and Training and the Department of Health: