Chaplain's Corner 2022

Hello MPS Family
As 2022 School year is in the final few weeks I just thought I would take this edition to highlight a few amazing supports this year.
Breakfast Club and Food Pantry supplies
A huge thank you to Foodbank, Manna Kids, EAT UP and Woolworths to name a few for the supplies for our Community. This has enabled us to run Breakfast Club, supply emergency lunches, crunch n sip and a food pantry to the community. Thank you to Mrs Preston who has sourced bread and picked up the Woolies supplies every week in her own time.
Thank you to the Breakfast Club Volunteers who also put their own time aside to keep the food available every morning before School for students. Thank you to those Staff who have gone above and beyond in this initiative. The School would not be able to provide this program without you. On average we would supply over 100 breakfasts a week to students, lunches and much more than that in crunch n sip product.
P&C and Canteen
Thank you to the P&C for all you do to provide fun and funding to our School. You are small in number but mighty in passion for our School. In particular thank you for providing funds to enable the Father's and Significant role models event in September.
Finally, I am looking forward to many of the events to end out what has been a HUGE year. If you recall we started it out with Covid as a significant impact and here we are three terms later able to run many of our events.
I look forward to seeing you at the assembly this week. I know the Teachers and class have been putting in a lot of effort. Come early for a cuppa and a chat.
Tammy Bija
School Chaplain
Tuesday and Friday