Principal's Message

P&C Colour Run
It was wonderful to see so many parents able to make it along to last week's colour run, hosted by the P&C. The staff and students thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon, with everyone looking very bright and colourful by the end of the day!
Peter Combe Incursion Monday 21 November
We're looking forward to welcoming Peter Combe, child entertainer, to Marangaroo this coming Monday to perform for us. If you haven't already paid your child's fee of $8.80, please do so by the end of this week.
Christmas Carols - Wednesday 7 December 5pm-7pm - SAVE THE DATE!
We are excited to be hosting a Community Christmas Carols on the school oval in a few weeks time. This will be a picnic-style evening so please bring along your picnic blankets and/or deck chairs. The P&C will be putting on a sausage sizzle to raise money, or you can bring a picnic (no alcohol). We will also have some activities for the children to do (including a 'wet the teacher' throwing game!) so save up your gold coins to join in the fun!
All classes will be learning some Christmas songs to perform on stage the night, and will be called up to the stage when it is their turn. At all other times, children will need to be supervised by their parents/carers.
We hope you can make it along!
I wish to inform the school community that Mrs Sandra Thomas and Mrs Jacky Humphreys will be retiring at the end of this year.
Sandra has been at Marangaroo for 20 years and has contributed wholeheartedly to supporting students, parents and staff within the school during that time. Sandra will be missed by the whole school community not only for her dedication to improving student outcomes but to her kind and caring nature.
Jacky has been at Marangaroo for 13 years and will be equally missed. Jacky has dedicated her teaching career to promoting positive student outcomes, with a focus on the most up to date research. Jacky has been a pioneer for sustainability at Marangaroo and has inspired others to do the same.
While we will miss Sandra and Jacky dearly, we are excited for the adventures that await them next year and beyond!
SLP Visit
We were recently contacted by the Mauritius Ombudsperson for Children, Mrs Rita Venkatasawmy, who is exploring schooling opportunities for autistic children in Mauritius, and is interested in looking at the model used at Marangaroo Primary School. We are looking forward to showing Mrs Venkatasawmy around our school to share in our successes with the program. This is a testament to Mrs Campbell and all the SLP staff for all the hard work they have put into the program since its inception.
School Board - New Member
At our most recent meeting we welcomed Kartini Abdrahim to the school board as a parent representative. Kartini will work with the other board members to assist in guiding the strategic direction of the school.
Adrian Keenan