Principal's Message
Congratulations to our four Young Archibald finalists
Woody Taylor, Helena Toomey, Avah Chaffey and Charlie Zirkler
Athletics Carnival
This Friday is the Athletics Carnival, starting at 9.00am. The children need to be at the grounds at or before 8.45am. The P&C will be running a canteen. The students will need good sturdy running shoes, hat, drinking water, lunch and recess.
On Tuesday, 28th June KPS will be holding a gathering. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Year 6 will be holding a sausage sizzle fundraiser. This will be 1 slice of bread with a sausage, cost will be $2.50 and a drink $1.00. A note has gone home for ordering your sausage sizzle or you can ring the school. The P&C wood raffle will be drawn at the gathering.
Gardening Working BEE
On Wednesday, 29th June the students in Yrs 3/4/5/6 will be working in the garden. If any parents would like to help please let Mrs Chaffey know at school.
North West Cross Country Results
A huge CONGRATULATIONS to Lacey Swilks for not only completing the huge cross country run at Coolah last Friday but coming 19th out of 60 kids!
We are so proud of your efforts Lacey!