(RRRR) Lead School

MESC is a Respectful Relationships (RRRR) Lead School

Staff activities

This term as part of our continued focus on a whole school approach to RRRR, staff engaged in a professional development activity around breaking down harmful masculine stereotypes and using positive language to frame masculinity.

Staff also sat in the position of students in a classroom activity that required them to list Do’s and Don’ts of various scenarios our students may find challenging. This activity may also have been delivered in your young person’s class. 

Scenarios included:

How to say no respectfully.

How to be respectful online.

How to set boundaries in a relationship.

See if you can guess which responses (see images below) go with which scenario.


Tips for parents

Attached below is a resource called ‘Healthy Masculinity Tipsheet for Parents.’ This resource is developed by Plan International and is designed to help our boys embrace positive masculinity and self-expression. 

The second attachment below is developed by the Department of Education and includes a range of activities for parents to help build their young person’s wellbeing. These activities are year level specific, so it is easy for you to identify the ones most relevant to your young person. 


Please let me know if you would like any further information about the Respectful Relationship Program at our College.


Penny Linardos

Engagement Leader