MYP Assessment

As we finish the term off, it is hard to believe that we are already halfway through the year. This is a time to celebrate your child’s learning over the past six months and everything they have achieved in the Middle Years Programme so far. 

On Friday you will receive your child’s report with information on their progress. I would also like to take this opportunity to explain how some of the Assessment practices occur in the MYP at MESC. 

In the MYP, objectives are described in terms of what students should know, understand and be able to do at the end of the programme.

Students’ progress towards the MYP objectives are assessed using the prescribed subject-group assessment criteria. The criteria for each subject group represent the use of knowledge, understanding and skills that are taught. 



Each achievement level describes student performance in ways that teachers can use to determine how successfully each student has met the objective

At the end of a period of learning, teachers make judgments on students’ achievement levels in each subject-group criterion. To determine these achievement levels, teachers gather sufficient evidence of achievement from a range of learning experiences and assessments. 

CATs (Common Assessment Tasks) on an individual unit also help to provide evidence of achievement in all strands of a criterion or criteria. 

I hope you enjoy sharing your child’s report with them and together celebrate their achievements and reflect on goals for the remainder of 2022.

Have a look at the Learner Profile Posters (on next page) created by some of our amazing Year 7 students. These will be displayed around the school.


MYP Projects

Throughout the MYP, students will have the opportunity to participate in various MYP projects such as: Services as Action and The Community Project. These projects are student-centred and allow MESC students to engage in practical explorations through a cycle of inquiry, action and reflection. MYP projects help our students to develop the attributes of the IB learner profile and opportunities to demonstrate ATL skills developed through the MYP. They also foster the development of independent, lifelong learners.

Year 9 Community Project, Term 3

The community project focuses on community and service, encouraging students to explore their right and responsibility to implement service as action in the community. The community project gives students an opportunity to develop awareness of needs in various communities and address those needs through service learning. As a consolidation of learning, the community project engages in a sustained, in-depth inquiry leading to service as action in the community. The community project may be completed individually or by groups of a maximum of three students.

We invite all Year 9 Families to an information session on the Community Project in Week 2 of Term 3. Please keep an eye on Compass for more details.


Have a safe and restful holiday,

Kylie Russell

MYP Educational Leader & Coordinator


MYP: From Principles into Practice, pgs 79-82, International Baccalaureate Organisation.