General Information

Creating a Covid-Safe Environment at School
The most important action we can take as a school community to reduce the risk of transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19), is to ensure that any unwell staff and students remain at home, even with the mildest of symptoms.
Australian Girls Choir Open Day
Look no further than the Australian Girls Choir (AGC) because we encourage, challenge and inspire girls as they learn to sing, dance and perform. School aged girls are invited to come along to our Open Day on Saturday June 18 to try our fun and inclusive classes and learn more about being part of the AGC! Please visit our website to register to attend our free Open Day:
The Marine Mammal Foundation is excited to announce the continuation of our newest school holiday program, Dolphin Detectives!
Designed for young people aged 8 - 13, our Dolphin Detectives school holiday programs provides an opportunity for young people to expand their knowledge about marine science, Port Phillip Bay, and of course, the Burrunan Dolphin! In this program, participants will learn all about the Burrunan Dolphin, and participate in fun and engaging activities to become marine biologists for the day, as they discover how the Burrunan is connected to its incredible Bay environment, and learn all about this critically endangered species and what we can all do to make a difference.
The details for the Dolphin Detectives school holiday program are:
When: Wednesday 6th July, 10:00am - 1:00pm
Where: Chelsea Longbeach LSC
Cost: $35
To book tickets, please visit the Eventbrite page for the activity. Please note, that spaces are limited, and once capacity is reached tickets will no longer be available.
ONLINE LUNCH ORDERS ~ EVERY FRIDAY Please click on this link to place a lunch order
Our presence on social media helps us to share all that is wonderful about St Joseph's Black Rock with the wider community; so follow, share and like us!
NUT & KIWI FRUIT ALLERGY At St Joseph’s we have a no sharing of food policy due to the number of students with severe life-threatening allergies. In particular, we ask that you PLEASE DO NOT SEND NUTS OR NUT BASED PRODUCTS OR KIWI FRUIT TO SCHOOL.
Please remember to sign your child out of the school when leaving early. It is also necessary to sign in when arriving late. The electronic sign in/out iPad is located in the office on the bench.
SCHOOL HOURS - student supervision
The school is responsible for the supervision of students from 8.30am - 3.45pm
Donations or enquiries contact Tricia McKean on 0423 979 745.
WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK Due to COVID restrictions this is not allowed
A reminder to all parents who wish to assist in the classrooms or on excursions that a WWCC is mandatory and should be displayed at all times when helping in the classroom or on excursions.
Families, please check your child’s hair for Head Lice each Sunday before they return to school. Please treat immediately if head lice are found. Head lice numbers would be reduced if this quick check happened every week.
Any child who has a knock/bump to the head will have their parents notified as a precaution. All children who are treated in sickbay or on the playground are issued with a First Aid slip; however, often these are not seen by Parent. All staff are trained in first aid but we are unable to make decisions or judgments regarding head injuries. Please seek advice from your GP if you are concerned.
Will be held each Tuesday & Wednesday at 3.45pm.
Please do not detain teachers on these days. Any conversations of a sensitive nature need to be held at an appropriate time and place.