Music News- Week 18

Music Camp 2022 – Camp Concert

Over two hundred John XXIII College musicians are descending on Fairbridge Village this weekend, for their annual Music Camp. A highlight of the calendar, the weekend involves students engaging in intensive rehearsals and workshops, preparing for a packed Term 3 of performances that includes St George’s Cathedral, Music Eisteddfod, Jazz Night at the Ellington and Spring Soiree!


Music Camp concludes with a concert for parents, held at 1:00pm in the camp Dining Hall, to which all parents are invited. Please inform the Music Department by phone on 9383 0440 if notice has not already been provided about student collection following the concert. All other students will return to the College after the concert and will arrive at approximately 4:00pm.

Online Lessons

For students learning at home and requiring an online music lesson, please ensure advice is provided to tutors or to the Music Office on 9383 0440.


Please be reminded that all absences from Music lessons due to illness must receive proper notice, by 3pm the day prior to the lesson, to either the Music Office or directly to tutors.


Thank you, to all students, parents and staff who have been participating in online lessons. All online lessons are conducted through Teams, so families with younger students may need to arrange login details ahead of their lesson. For assistance with any aspect of online music lessons, please contact the Music Office on 9383 0440.


If an instrument stored in the Instrument Storeroom, in the Performing Arts Centre, is required to participate in online lessons, please contact the Music Office.


James Kros

Head of Learning Area - Music