Dates to Remember...

Term 3

Week 3

Tuesday 26th July - NO CANTEEN

Wednesday 27th  - Year 3 & 4 Bring the Drama Storytelling Incursion


Week 4

Monday 1st August - Foundation 100 Days of School

Wednesday 3rd  - Senior Hooptime 9-3pm

                                - Parent Helper's Course 4.30pm


Week 5

Monday 8th - Professional Practice Day for Staff - STUDENT FREE DAY

Tuesday 9th - Netball Tournament Years 5 & 6

Thursday 11th - Year 3 Acara Testing

Friday 12th - Year 5 Acara Testing


Week 6

Monday 15th - School Council

                           - Camp payment due

Monday - Friday 19th - Year 3 & 4 Swimming


Week 7

Monday 22nd - Wednesday 24th - Year 3 & 4 Camp to Phillip Island

Monday - Friday 26th - Foundation Swimming

Wednesday - Friday - Year 5 & 6 Camp Phillip Island


Week 8

Monday 29th - District Athletics - Casey Fields

Tuesday 30th - Book Week Parade

                           - Open Afternoon 2.45-3.30pm

Thursday 1st September - Father's Day Stall

Friday 2nd - Father's Day Stall

                      - Father's Day Picnic 12.30-1pm


Week 9

Monday 5th - Friday 9th - Year 5 & 6 Swimming

Friday 9th - 2023 Foundation Transition 12.30-1.30pm


Week 10

Monday 12th - Whole School Assembly

                            -School Council

Monday - Friday 16th - Years 1 & 2 Swimming

Friday - Footy Parade 9.15am

             - Last Day Term 3 - EARLY Dismissal 2.30pm