Principal's Report

Michelle Mackenlay

The BIG Move!

After nearly 3 years in the planning, preparing and construction, we are extremely close to moving into stage 1 of our re-development. As you were made aware via Compass last week we are predicting the new facilities will be open for use on Tuesday morning. Today a number of classess toured the new spaces, had a play on the new playground, played in the new gym and had some of their lessons in the new spaces. 

As from tomorrow morning, Tuesday 26th July, the current school gate will be closed and no longer in use.


As you can imagine, we are very excited, but the challenges in coordinating such a large move have been enormous. There will be significant changes to the way we move around our school and staff will be around to assist and communicate with families and students as changes arise.

The builders will now move onto preparing our outside spaces including a multipurpose field and then later works on the current/older buildings, which will mean demolition of some and modernisation of others. The current main entrance will become an entrance for the builders and trucks to enter and this has all carefully been planned with the council, Department of Education, our school and the builders. 

This week will be very busy and exciting and we thank our parents for their understanding and patience as this occurs.


No Canteen on Tuesday

Due to the relocation of the canteen this week, there will be no lunchorders or canteen available this Tuesday 26th March, we expect it to be up and running in the new canteen ready for Thursday.


Congratulations AFL Team

On Friday 22nd July, our AFL team competed in our Division competition at Toomuc Reserve in Pakenham. The team played 3 games and were undefeated. The team will now compete at Regionals on 3rd August. The school is so proud of the team and what they have achieved so far. 


Term 3 - Student Free Day Reminder

Our school will be holding a professional practice day for all staff on  Monday 8th August, Students will therefore not be required to attend school on this day.  Team Kids will operate on this day.


Transition News

Clyde Primary School have begun planning for our new Foundation students for 2023. School tours for prospective 2023 Foundation families have started and transition sessions will begin towards the end of Term 3. Attached is the flyer with dates and times for our transition events this year. This includes all transition sessions, along with our Parent Information Session held towards the end of November.  If you have a child who is beginning their school journey with us in 2023 please visit or ring the office to arrange for an enrolment form and transition events flyer to be sent home. Our first transition session is Friday 9th September.


Child Safety

The Victorian Government has announced new Child Safe Standards to further strengthen child safety across organisations, including schools. The new standards recognise the critical importance of families and the broader school community in maintaining and promoting child Safety and wellbeing.  Clyde Primary School is currently in the process of reviewing and updating our child safety policies and other relevant policies related to child safety.  Once these policies have been discussed at school council they will be placed on the school’s website for feedback from our school community. Prior to July 2022, there were 7 standards but these have been updated to include 11 child safe standards. These are:


  1. Culturally Safe Environments
  2. Child Safety and Wellbeing is Embedded in Leadership, Governance and Culture
  3. Child and Student Empowerment
  4. Family Engagement
  5. Diversity and Equity
  6. Suitable Staff and Volunteers
  7. Complaints Process
  8. Child Safety, Knowledge, Skills and Awareness
  9. Child Safety in Physical and Online Environments
  10. Review of Child Safety Practices
  11. Implementation of Child Safety Practices


We have recently updated our school's Asthma Policy, Health Care Needs Policy, First Aid Policy and Administration of Medication Policy. These and other current school policies can be found on our website here:


97, 98, 99, …….. 100 days smarter!

On Monday the 1st of August, the Foundation students will celebrate 100 days of school. Students will celebrate this fantastic milestone with different activities such as representing the number 100, describing what they might look like at 100 years old and having a lovely picnic together as a whole year level. 

To commemorate this special day, we encourage students to dress up as if they were 100 years old.  This is always a huge highlight of our day and we cannot wait to see all the costumes.  We will also have a parade to celebrate our wonderful “elderly” students in our new gym.  All parents are welcome to join us at 9:15am.