Construction Immersion News

Report by Bailey Caplick


We started the day by loading up the trailer with all the correct tools for the day. We strapped down the 70mm x 35mm roofing battens to the roof racks on the ute. When we arrived at the construction site we unpacked the trailer and set up the worksite for the day.


Our first job was to attach the rest of the pole plate bearer to the house securing them with 130mm galvanised coach bolts which were fastened into the wall studs. The second task of the day was to mark out the bearers on the posts we used a laser level and spirit level to make sure the bearers ran level from post to post. A circular saw was then used to cut a number of relief cuts in the post this allowed as to remove the waste of the rebate by hand using a hammer and chisel. The bearers were then clamped to housing in the posts and fixed to the post using 130mm galvanised cup head bolts.  All post rebates were primed before assembly to protect against the weather.


The new clothesline was assembled and installed. The roof rafters were set out along the bearers at 900mm centres. We attached the rafters to the pole plate with galvanised joist hangers these were fixed with 30mm galvanised clouts. 


At the end of the day, the worksite was tidied and materials and tools were packed away in the trailer.