Parents and Friends Association

"Spring is in the air"
Dear Year 7 Families
As we look forward to spring, we welcome all families, children and siblings to share a lovely afternoon picnic in the park! Please click the link for details
Warm regards
Vittoria O’Brien & Jenny Carmuciano
Year 7 Parents Reps
Father's Day Breakfast - Friday 2 September Building A “Forest”
Join us for a free breakfast to celebrate the significant men in the lives of our students. Building A will be transformed into a forest where you can “hunt and gather” breakfast (well, at least some yummy pastries and coffee), and take on a wild, interactive and character building challenge like golf, arm wrestling and portrait sketching. Don’t miss out: book a ticket now!
To make make this event epic, we need epic volunteers like you! Sign up to help set up on Thursday 1 September after school (students welcome) or make sure no one gets lost in the forest with a dirty coffee cup on Friday.
We also need your fake Christmas tree! Sign up to help or supply a Christmas tree: you have any questions please contact the PFA via
Year 7 Parent Social Group
Make connection with other parents from year 7! Connecting with other parents at secondary school is not always easy so this a wonderful opportunity:
Second Hand Uniform Shop
Remember to support the shop by donating/selling and buying school clothes from there and support the school community. The shop is open each Friday between 1:15 pm - 3:30 pm. We’re grateful to May-Na and Sophia who are organising the shop! They are looking for another volunteer who would be able to help out at the shop on an an occasional basis on Friday afternoons during school time. If you could help out, contact May-Na and Sophia via email:
2022 PFA team
President: Andrew Gifford (parent of student in Year 10)
Vice President: Martina Johnson (parent of students in Year 8 and 10)
Secretary: Belinda Herrington (parent of student in Year 8)
Treasurer: Johan Cameron (parent of student in Year 10)
PFA contact details:
Meeting dates:
Monday 5 September
Monday 3 October
Monday 7 November
Andrew Gifford
PFA President