Community Engagement - Year 11 VCAL


A hi-five! to our students from Year 11 VCAL – Personal Development Skills (PDS) class, who embraced the invitation to be part of the greater Wyndham city community project. 

Students were invited to help plant native plants and trees at rest stops along the ‘Meet Me in Tarneit- Wayfinding Trail’. A Trail that has been marked with ground decal and raised garden bed- rest stops.  Students got their hands dirty, applying the knowledge and skills acquired from our PDS college gardening project to support the councils planting endeavor.  Did you know that in the heart of Tarneit is a shared path that connects you from Cowies Hill Water Tower all the way to Tarneit Train Station?  Tarneit Gardens Shopping Centre to Tarneit Central Shopping Centre? And Penrose Community Centre to Tarneit Community Learning Centre?  


On the day students worked with Wyndham council members such as Phoebe Crocket, who guided us along the trail.  Students moved from one location to another to plant and along the way, visiting the Penrose Community Garden, we were greeted by Tonya Toi, President of the Pasifika Community of Australia. We discussed how members of the Pasifika community (Micronesian, Melanesian and Polynesian) have engaged with developing the garden - a space created for connecting culturally through gardening, especially for the Pasifika people. 



The garden is open to the public providing a colourful vast space for all, a space with a sea of edible flowers, herbs and vegetables of course!  


We would like to give a shout out for the Wyndham council - check out the following links to see and, learn more about the Tarneit Wayfinding Trail, and Penrose Community Garden or, go for a walk in the area and look out for the beautiful rest stops that our students have established for the public. 


Meet me in Tarneit -Wayfinding Trail - 









Penrose Community Engagement -


A special shout out to the following students who were all hands on deck and made this project happen, Liam, Wiremu, Hanifah, Osman, Imran, Manutahi and Leni. A special thanks to Michael and Marie who came along to support out students on the day modelling their planting skills and showcasing their green thumbs. 


Hanifa Yurukoff 


Year 12 VCAL

Year 12 VCAL class decided to work collaboratively on their final project. This project features a cultural dance performance. It is significant to note that the dance chosen is from Samoa, but not all the dancers are Samoans. 


Even when the weather is chilly, the students continue to work hard and communicate well with one another, which helps them achieve and complete their project! Throughout this project, every student is responsible for contributing to the final outcome! Here is a taste of what they've been up to!



Sofia Koktzidis 

VCAL and Humanities Teacher