Year 9 Subjects and Course Examples

Year 9 Core & Elective Subjects
English |
Mathematics |
Science |
Humanities |
Health and Physical Education |
Arts elective (studied for one Semester) |
Technologies elective (studied for one Semester) |
The Arts – Performing and Visual | |
Semester-based | Drama |
Music Performance | |
Song Writing and Music Composition 101 | |
Sound, Stage and Lighting Production | |
Mask & Make-up | |
Media – Photography and Photoshop | |
Sculptural Ceramics | |
Studio Art | |
Visual Communication Design | |
Design & Technologies | |
Semester-based | 3D Designing, Printing and Making |
Food Whiz | |
Games Programming | |
Micro Computing | |
Product, Design and Technology (Wood/Metals/Plastic) | |
Textiles - Fashion | |
Web Design and Development | |
English | |
Semester-based | Literature |
Philosophy | |
Health, Physical and Outdoor Education | |
Year-long | Duke of Edinburgh Award |
Semester-based | Sport Education – Court Sports (Boys) |
Sport Education – Court Sports (Girls) | |
Sport Education – Field Sports (Boys) | |
Sport Education – Field Sports (Girls) | |
Movement to Music | |
Humanities | |
Semester-based | A Current Affair |
Should We Save Them | |
The Law and You | |
Languages | |
Year-long | German |
Japanese | |
Mathematics | |
Semester-based | Wonderful World of Mathology |
Science | |
Semester-based | Astronomy |
Forensic Science |
Year 9 Course Examples