Parents and Friends

Thank you to all parents who joined us at The Roxburgh Cafe yesterday for our first Christmas cake fundraiser task. It was particularly great to welcome two ELC mums to the group, adding to the friendly mix of Junior and Senior School parents. The good news is that the crew was so efficient, all of the cake liners were cut and we are thrilled to tick this task off the list. Accordingly, our second morning planned for Friday has now been cancelled but please keep an eye out for the next step in the Christmas cake preparation.


There will be opportunities to assist with weighing and mixing towards the end of term and the beginning of Term 4. If you’re able to join in don’t hesitate to contact any of the Executive team of the P&F (Mandy Nagorcka, Zoe Price, Stacey Balkin and Sarah Baker), or email us at A list of dates and jobs will be available soon so if you would like to join in with a fun group of people to raise money for our school we welcome you with coffee and enthusiasm! All friends and family members are welcome!


We hope that all new students and parents that joined this term have settled in well and are feeling welcomed and supported at our school. 


Amanda Nagorcka

President Parents and Friends