Learning and Teaching

Year 6 Canberra Recount
High Court of Australia
When we finally arrived in Canberra we didn’t go straight to the resort, instead we went to the High Court of Australia. The High Court of Australia is the place that holds many debates and where new laws are decided. When we had our incredible visit we got told about a few cases like the Woolworths story. They said that a woman named Mrs Strong slipped over a chip at Big W and got badly injured, so bad in fact she got told by the doctors she could never walk or work again. This upset Mrs Strong so she wanted to take it to court and get millions of dollars to pay for the surgery. It turns out that Woolworths owned Big W and had to try to convince the court that it was an accident and the chip probably fell minutes after they cleaned. The judges agreed with Mrs Strong so Woolworths took it to the next highest position of government, the Supreme Court. Here, they agreed with Woolworths so finally, Mrs Strong went to the High Court of Australia as her last option. Finally the decision was made, Mrs Strong won the argument and a new law was established, the law was, every hour Woolworths and all shops must clean their shops and log it on a rota. Today you can see these cleaning logs in all shops and toilets in Australia.
The CSIRO discovery centre
The CSIRO discovery centre was full with great learning experiences and we all enjoyed it so much. At the centre we had Holly, our guide, she was super nice! With Holly we learnt a bunch with Q.R codes! We were all given an ipad to scan the codes, then we would pick a code off the board and would scan it with the ipad. Next, we would look at the information shown on the ipad. We would see a question and we would look for the information we needed in the discovery centre. At the end of the tour we got about twenty minutes to look around the discovery centre, it was a great start to our day!
Canberra Park Resort
Canberra Park Resort is located 6 kilometers from Canberra city. The cabins at this resort are spacious with 4 beds, a desk, shower and toilet as well as a sink.The food was good except the BAD LUNCHES like soggy bread, carrot, ham and tomato. The beds were comfortable but squeaky and the aircon was GREAT. You could feel the ground move every time someone stepped. Overall it was a great experience!
On Wednesday, we woke up and we went to eat breakfast, then went straight to the AIS. We were all so excited to go. When we arrived we had a tour that showed us around the building, the first place we went to was the game center with all cool games like wheelchair basketball, rugby, footy, skiing and so much more.
After the game center the tour showed us around the sports facilities. The first place we went to was the kung fu lessons. It was really interesting how they showed us the type of training and moves they were doing. It was made for the 2000 olympics. After the kung fu the tour guide told us outside that the wires were holding the roof so if anything fell down the roof would still stay up. How cool is that?
Then we went to the gymnastics center. It was really cool because the women have different equipment and the boys also have different equipment. After that we went straight to the volleyball court. Apparently someone can jump over the volleyball net that's crazy and the captain is 6ft 11, that's really tall. Apparently it's good if you are tall for volleyball. The Gym was our next activity, there were lots of athletes training for the 2020 Tokyo olympics, there was lots of different equipment for stretching and training.
At the swimming pool we saw some woman practicing synchronised swimming the tour guide told us the coach has a special room to watch the swimmers practice, they also have special cameras in the area.
After we went to the gift shop we bought some cool toys and opel flack necklaces. It was definitely a highlight of the whole trip!
The Canberra Cycle
On Wednesday, the 2nd day of camp, we all went on a bike ride around Lake Burley Griffin. Almost everyone took part and almost everyone finished the cycle complaining of sore backs. It was a long bike ride but time flies when you're having fun!
Embassy Drive Tour
On Wednesday the 19th of February, Galilee's Year Sixes took a bus tour around Embassy Drive, with our amazing bus driver Brenton. Embassy Drive is a bunch of buildings that represent over 80 countries around the world such as Greece, China, South Africa & the Nigerian Embassy. We started off with some countries we have never heard of like Papua New Guinea, Kuwait and even Montenegro. After we took photos & shared thoughts on the amazing experience we just had, we moved on with our great day.
NatIOnAl exHIbitIOn CenTrE
On the second day of camp, after our bike ride, we hopped onto the bus to go to the National Exhibition Centre! When we arrived we met our guides and went straight on the tour. We first saw a 3D replica of Canberra city, there were so many details on each and every piece we saw, it was amazing! We then found out that Canberra was a planned city and that people from all around the world were able to submit drafts on what the new city would look like and how it would be built. One of the criteria they had to meet was:
Having the town be built in and around the landscape and not destroying any of the surrounding mountains.
The winners of the competition were Walter and Mary Burley Griffin. Who designed the most Eco- friendly design for Canberra.
People were also allowed to think of names for the new capital, some being….
Captain Cook,
The War Memorial
On Wednesday the 19th of February we went to the War Memorial. When we went inside we saw a submarine and a helicopter that was in World War 1. Afterwards, we went to see some planes, bombs, canons and photos. After that we went to the World War 2 section and there were pictures, statues, flags and information about Nazis and information about World War 2. It was really amazing learning about how our countrymen gave their lives to protect our country.
National Museum
It was suddenly day three in a flash. We were already on the bus with a stomach full of delicious food and ready to go to the national museum to have fun. When we arrived we split into groups and went and did some activities my group fist went and built our own robot character on interactive screens. We got to use our creativity with different patterns, colours, body parts and so many other cool things. After that we went into a room and we each had our own controller that was grouped with others. We had to work with a team to complete a challenge. In the end we got to see who won, my group came second and we all had a fantastic time. We then went outside to run around, we all let lots of our energy out and then went back inside to our favourite place out of them all, THE GIFT SHOP! We spent quite a lot of time in there buying gifts for us, our families and friends. We then left the Museum and shared our gifts with all our friends.
Electoral centre
On Thursday, the 3rd day of camp, we went to the Electoral Centre located at Old Parliament House. We were very excited to learn about voting. This is very important in Australia. We held a fake election about our favourite fruits, the categories were: peach, apple, orange and banana. In the end, peach had the most votes. Here are some fun facts; when elections are held, it doesn’t come down to the most votes, it always comes down to who has 51% of the majority!
New Parliament House
Parliament House was one of the highlights of our Canberra camp as we were so excited to be in the legendary Parliament House where many politicians had walked before us. When we were out the front of Parliament House many of us were taking photos. We walked inside, where we were told to empty our pockets and put our devices in a tub to be scanned before we could carry on. When we walked up the million dollar marble stairs we were greeted by a humongous lego model of parliament house with every single detail included.
At Parliament House, we met our Danish tour guide. He was absolutely hilarious! He made loads of jokes to keep us entertained. Now, I c
Year 4
We have had a super busy start to 2020, with a Surf Life Saving excursion to Sandridge Beach, Year 4 Camp to Angahook, St John's First Aid course and Athletics Day...just to name a few!
We loved Angahook, especially the fun outdoor activities such as the Giant Swing, Mountain Bike Riding, Low Ropes Course, Archery and Canoeing. We may not have fallen in, but we did get wet (thanks to some teachers who weren't so great at keeping their paddles in the water!) We were also lucky enough to have a Bush Dance on our first night, no wonder we slept well! We learnt some awesome games from our camp leaders and we have continued to use these in Year 4 and we might even try and teach our buddies! Check out some of our photos from camp!
Our buddy groups this year are: 4F & 2E and 4M & 2C. We were excited to meet our buddies and last week we wrote them some letters to introduce ourselves. We are looking forward to catching up with them again soon.
4F & 4M