Important Dates & Info

**Dates and Times may change.
Parent Calendar
Break Times
First Break - 11.00-11.40am
Second Break 1.50-2.30pm
It is preferred students leaving early are collected at the beginning or end of these breaks to minimise disruptions to classes.
Term Dates
Term 1 Friday Jan 31 - Friday March 27 at 1.30pm
Term 2 Tuesday April 14 - Friday June 26 1.30pm
Term 3 Mon July 13 - Friday Sept 18 1.30pm
Term 4 Mon Oct 5 - Tuesday Dec 15 1.30pm
Term 1
March 16 - Reconciliation Reflection Day Year 3 in the School Hall
March 17 - St Patrick's Day
March 17-20 - Year 5 Merricks Camp
March 19 - Classroom Helper Course
March 24 - School Photos
March 25 - Stations of the Cross 2.30pm
March 26 - Year 3 Sacrament of Reconciliation
March 27 - Harmony Day celebration
- End of Term 1:30pm dismissal
Term 2
April 14 - Term 2 begins
April 14 - 24 - Prep 2021 Interviews
April 17 - Yr. 5/6 Interschool Sport beins
April 20 - Parent morning cuppa 8.45-9.30am
April 28 - Confirmation Reflection Day Year 6
May 8 - Mother's Day Morning Tea & Lunch
May 10 - Sacrament of Confirmation StsPP
May 12-15 - NAPLAN Testing
May 14 - Parents Battle of the Bands
May 15 - Dendy Cross Country Carnival
- School Disco (after school)
June 8 - Queen's Birthday public holiday
June 10 - Music Soiree 5pm
June 19 - Feast of the Sacred Heart Mass OLMC Years 3-6
June 22 - Student Led Conferences 1.30pm finish
June 24 - Student Led Conferences
June 26 - End of Term 2, 1.30pm finish
School Closure Days
August 14
November 2
November 27
Community Dates
Thurs 19th March: Classroom Helper & Number Intervention Course 9-11am
Wednesdays at 2.40pm unless stated otherwise in Parent Calendar
Camp Calendar
Year 5 Merricks March 17-20
Year 3L Zoo Snooze October 29-30
Year 3M Zoo Snooze November 5-6
Lunch Orders
Available Mondays and Fridays. Register and order online via
Medical Consent Form
Please use this form if your child needs to take any temporary medication at school (antibiotics/eye drops/ventolin/creams or lotions etc.).
School Uniform
Please read the policy below if you are unsure of the correct wearing of the Uniform. Students who are in incorrect shoes, with a note, must be for a maximum of one week. Correct shoes are to be worn till the end of the school year (it is not acceptable to be in incorrect shoes to save purchasing of new shoes towards the end of the school year).
Boys should NOT be wearing the striped navy blue sock (they are for Winter).
Galilee Uniform Policy:
PSW Uniform: 1/128 Bertie Street, Port Melbourne 9768 0385
Second Hand Uniform @ Galilee
Open: Monday morning 8.45-9.10am
Located in Prep Building
Donations of clean/well cared for uniform happily accepted.
Galilee Out of School Hours (GOSH) by TheirCare
To register and book for your child to attend before or after school care, please do so via this link: