Student Wellbeing

From the Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing

Student Life is exciting and deeply rewarding when we engage in the full opportunities that are offered at MSJ.  This term has seen many activities that have been student led and created.  From our InterFaith panel to Family Feud to the student teacher netball match, students can live and be in community. At MSJ,  we offer all members of our community an array of experiences and learning opportunities to support the individual in reaching their full potential.  In recent weeks, l have been struck by the many students who soak up the experiences provided and engage with the formal and informal learning. 


I have been impressed by the many students who continue to be active and immerse themselves in the varied experiences from Open Day, the College Assembly and the Youth Justice Ministries, Respectful Relationships and Say No to Bullying. I believe that it is these students who ultimately gain the most of their learning at MSJ.  Learners who participate in the fullness of College life develop excellent organisational skills, refine social skills and learn to live with others in respectful relationships.  Our two proactive workshops on bullying and respectful relationships highlighted to our community that all people must be treated with respect and dignity.  Bullying and disrespect are not to be tolerated.  Students were reminded where they can seek support and assistance.


The House Colours is an integral part of the wellbeing, learning and faith life of our College and l encourage each student to take advantage of the many opportunities available.  Each student should aim to receive at least one House stripe at the end of each year at the College.  A student receives a stripe once they have earned 8 points. The program encourages school pride, leadership and an opportunity to meet other students and different teachers.  Encourage your daughter to participate and celebrate learning and life.


As we enter the winter months and the days seem to be getting shorter, darker and more miserable, l invite all members of our community not to retreat to our homes or to ourselves, but rather continue to embrace the fullness and breadth of living in a diverse and wonderful community.


A few weeks ago students in years 7 – 9 participated in a anti bullying workshop designed to inform and educate our young women of their rights, responsibilities and the importance of forming trusting and respectful relationships. The presentation covered aspects of respectful relationships, recognising physical symptoms when not feeling safe and how to respond when one does not feel safe.  As parents, it is important we revisit Safe Practices with our daughters; we can assume that our children know what to do when they feel unsafe.  I encourage parents to discuss safety plans when they take their daughters to parties or encourage independent behaviours such as travelling into the city or when they are in paid employment.


Child Safe Team

The College continues to work with our Child Safety Team to promote best practice and understanding in ensuring each of our students feels safe, valued and respected.  Currently the team is working on social media, and electronic protocols between students, staff and families. If you would like to contribute to the discussion or be part our team please feel free to contact me at the College.


The team is made up of:

Ms Kate Dishon, Mr Steven Mifsud, Mrs Danielle Fairthorne, Ms Merrin Sulovski, Ms Trish Stathakis (parent representatives), Olivia Vella (Year 11) and Mia Paladino (Year 11) are our student representatives. 


Living Arrangements/ Court Orders/ Family Orders

To best support your daughter the College needs to know of changes to addresses, living arrangements and telephone numbers. The Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing must be informed of any special circumstances that may affect a student.  If custody and access has been determined by court orders, then the original must be made available for our office to make a copy.


D&M@MSJ Reflections

Thank you to the many parents who attended D&M. We have had many positive comments.  The evening had many opportunities for mothers to connect with their daughters in a quiet and peaceful space.  The community was also grateful of the work of Dr David Collins and his informative material.


Tuning Into Teens

As part of our ongoing commitment to work in partnership with our parents, we have negotiated with MacKillop Family Services to offer “Tuning into Teens.”  It is a free six week parenting course that will be offered in Term 3, we would like to gauge parent interest for a day or evening session. The College can also provide free child care if it is required.  If you are interested in attending please email me:


Tuning in to Teens: emotionally Intelligent Parenting is a program that helps parents to build strong relationships with their teenagers and enables them to communicate even in difficult times.

The six sessions cover:

Session 1            The foundations of emotion coaching teens

Session 2            Connecting and emotional acceptance

Session 3            Building intimacy and showing empathy

Session 4            Emotion Coaching adolescent worry and sadness

Session 5            Emotion Coaching and anger

Session 6            Emotion Coaching: now and in the future


Steven Mifsud

Deputy Principal - Student Wellbeing