Social Work/Well being News

For those new to Marian Catholic College or not already aware, SchoolTV is an online resource designed to provide clear, relevant and fact-based information to assist parents and carers to raise safe, happy and resilient young people.

You can find a range of topics with comprehensive videos from leading specialists, including one of Australia’s high profile psychologists, Dr Michael Carr Gregg. SchoolTV has great content from organisations such as Beyond Blue, ReachOut, HeadSpace and others. It also provides fact sheets, suggested books, apps, websites and much more. You can access to MCC SchoolTV on the College website


This month on SchoolTV - Grief & Loss


Grief is a natural response to loss. It might be the loss of a loved one, relationship or even a pet. The more significant the loss, the more intense the grief is likely to be. Children and adults grieve differently due to their developmental stage, and this can prove difficult for parents to understand. 


Young children fluctuate in and out of the stages of grief rapidly, as they may not comprehend the permanency death. They express their grief more physically. Teens on the other hand may not know how to express their grief and will need some space to process their loss. Some may choose to grieve alone, not wanting to stand out or be seen as not coping. Whilst others, who may have a greater understanding, can start to question their own mortality.


In this edition of SchoolTV, parents can learn how to acknowledge their child’s feelings and the best way to support them through the grief. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month’s edition and we always welcome your feedback.


If you have any concerns about your child, please contact your child’s Year Co- ordinator or the School Counsellor for further information.


Here is the link to this month's edition