Snowboarding Camps, Winter is coming!!

Wow what an amazing 3 weeks at Mt Buller! There were 3 separate camp groups that set out to tame the slopes of Mt Buller and stayed at the College’s camp site at Tolmie. Camp 1 was the year 8 group, Camp 2 the year 9’ and Camp 3 was a mixed group of year 9, 10, 11 and 12’s.


The first camp had some amazing bluebird days with the last half a day enjoying some fresh snow falls. The second camp had the pick of the weather, with a huge dumping of 80cm of snow in the days leading up to camp. They were basking in sunshine for all of their days on the mountain. The great weather for the first two camps had made learning the skills a little easier for the students and also provide perfect conditions for the instructors and staff easier to teach. From all reports, the students and staff had a great time and the rapid improvement made by all was fantastic.


The third camps weather was atrocious!! For the entire camp the blue sky was never seen and the visibility was terrible barely seeing 20 metres in front of them. They missed out on all of the beautiful scenery and peaks of the mountain rangers. However these issues did not slow the group down one bit, they charged through it like raging bulls! All students gave it their all and improved their snowboarding skills immensely. Although there was some age differences all students must be commended on friendly behaviour with all of their peers. Again all students and staff had a great trip with many saying they’ll be coming again next year.