ABCN (Australian Business and Communities Network) Aspirations Launch

On 8th August the Aspirations program was launched. 16 year 11 students have signed up for the program.


The launch included:

A welcome to the students and mentors from ABCN co-ordinator and Mr Ferra.

Meeting the mentors- which included some ice breaker activities & getting to know you activities.

The students then gave their mentors from Fuji Xerox a tour around the College followed by a morning tea.


The next of the 5 sessions will be held with their mentors at Fuji Xerox on the 28th August.


A couple of quotes from the mentors ‘ Very diverse group of young people, really looking forward to working with the students’


                                                                            ‘ Lovely group, all so friendly and polite’


Please note there has been a change in date for the Meningococcal Diseases Strain W immunisation from the 7th September to the 19th September. Year 10, 11 and 12 students, please remember to bring your consent forms in.


Year 12 Year Book

The committee is in the process of completing the year book for year 12 2017.  The cost will be $50.00, students will be notified shortly of payment date.


Year 11 Varsity Jacket

The final design has been voted on.

Cost $100

Within the next two weeks, the company will send out a range of sizes so that students can select sizes.

The final date for payment will be set at 21st September. Jackets take approximately 8 weeks to make.

Senior school - Contacting students during class time

A reminder that phone calls from parents/guardians to students should not be occurring during class time.