Principal's Address

Wellbeing Day

On Friday 17 March 2023, Boorowa Central School hosted their first ‘Wellbeing Day’ of 2023. It was a huge success!


The school wide day was a targeted event designed to address specific areas for the different cohorts of children from Kindergarten to Year 12.

I had the pleasure of attending most of the Boorowa Central School Alumni talks at the Ex-Services Club in the morning. Former students Murray Armour, Jelisa Apps, Rudi Corcoran and Rosie Barton thoroughly entertained the secondary students with tales of their schooling life, sharing their journey to where they are today and what they learnt about being resilient along the way. Each had a very unique story to share and each resonated with different students in the audience. A special thank you to these four excellent young men and women for giving up their time to speak to our students and being prepared to give back to our school.

I also managed to join infants and primary for the final 20 minutes of the ‘Wellbeing Show’ in the hall. This highly entertaining and interactive show had the students in stitches throughout and left them with valuable insights about the importance of maintaining their own wellbeing.

I then had the opportunity to teach three secondary year groups how to play goalball. Goalball is a Paralympic sport for vision impaired athletes that involves blindfolded teams of three trying to roll a ball (with a whistle inside) past the opposite team to score a goal. Many of the students found the sport very challenging as it pushed them out of their comfort zone as they had to rely heavily on their other senses. Pleasingly, many demonstrated resilience and overcame this challenge, finding a way to succeed despite adversity.

To wrap up the day, both sides of the school had individual presentations from the Police Youth Liaison Officers on topics relevant to their age group. It was also a great opportunity for our littlest students to meet and mingle with real police officers – always a highlight!

Thank you to the Student Wellbeing Team who organised the day for our students.



Years 7/11 and 8 excursions

Many of our secondary students are excited about their upcoming excursions next week. The Year 7 and 11 students are heading down to Borambola Sport and Recreation Centre to push themselves outside their comfort zones in a variety of activities across three days and two nights. Having been on this excursion twice previously, I know they will have a great time. I am looking forward to hearing the camp stories from the students when they return and I have my fingers crossed that the group can avoid illness, something that I couldn’t do in my visits.

I am heading to Canberra with Year 8 next week to explore the sights and experiences our capital city has to offer. Ms Golden, the Year 8 advisor, has organised an action-packed itinerary that is sure to educate, entertain, and exhaust, all of the students. I look forward to this trip with a great bunch of students.


Combined Easter Hat Parade

On Monday 3 April 2023, Boorowa Central School, St Joseph’s Primary and the Boorowa Early Education (BEE) Centre will be joining to participate in an Easter Hat Parade at the Boorowa Recreation Oval.

All parents, carers and community members are invited to observe and enjoy the parade which is scheduled to begin at approximately 10:45 am.


Mr Graham Jones - Principal