Mission and Identity 

  • Chapel Mass
  • Youth Mass
  • Junior School Bible Liturgy
  • Year 10 Reflection Day

Chapel Mass

Thanks to Mr Balboa’s Year 9 Religious Education class for hosting this week's Chapel Mass. It was wonderful to have visitors from Mercy College join us in our Eucharistic Celebration. Fr Joey spoke passionately about the thirst that wells up inside us as we attempt to find what God’s plans for us are. He explained that he possessed an unquenchable thirst within himself until he entered the priesthood. Fr Joey also elaborated upon the gift that is sanctifying grace that each of us receive.

We look forward to next Monday’s Chapel Mass that will be hosted by Mercy College. Students from St Pius are more that welcome to attend, staff from Pius meet in the entrance foyer at 7:45 am to make our way to the Mercy Chapel.


Youth Mass

All students are warmly invited to the re-commencement of the St Pius X College and Mercy College Youth Mass on Sunday 26 March at 5:30 pm. This Mass that will be run by the Youth Ministry group from Our Lady of Dolours Parish is an opportunity for us as a community of schools to join with the parish. There will also be an opportunity for students to gain an insight into the Youth Ministry programs run by the parish. 

Junior School Bible Liturgy and Year 6 Commitment Pledge

Tuesday provided the opportunity for the entire Junior School to gather in the Parish Church of Our Lady of Dolours. The church really provides a sense of the sacred for our students, along with the chance to pause in the day to consider their relationship with God. Our gathering was for the purpose of celebrating a liturgy, asking to be guided by the values of the Gospels, and as such it allowed the College to present to each new student a Bible as a way to animate our Touchstone of Gospel Spirituality. Each new student was asked to take the Bible as sign that they desire to be guided by the values found with each of these stories. Mr Morris, classroom teacher of 6 Green provided a heartfelt reflection of the place of the Bible in his life and journey into adulthood, sharing two of the stories: David and Goliath along with the Parable of the Good Samaritan, as stories that have provided him with guidance. 

Our liturgy also provided the backdrop for our Year 6 students to make a commitment pledge as leaders, now that they are the leaders of the Junior School, a pledge to be leaders who can show compassion and empathy.

The liturgy was ably accompanied by our Performing Arts Department, who along with members of the Senior Choir, aided in providing a sense of solemnity to the occasion. Thanks also to Mr Cummins, our sound technician, who ensured that all microphones and cabling ensured adequate amplification.

From here, the newest students of the College have been asked to look after their Bible, ensuring that they respectfully look after the word of God and use it as a light to guide a path for them, not only during their time at St Pius, but beyond into their adult lives.

Year 10 Reflection Day

The first of two reflection days on the theme of Journey for Year 10 was held at Oxford Falls last Friday, 10 March.  The year group was led through two presentations on the theme of journeying through adolescence to adulthood, firstly by member of the Mission and Identity staff member, Mr Sam Di Sano, then by former Socceroo Captain, football media commentator and keynote speaker Mr Paul Wade. To complete the day College Counsellor Mr Rick Russo led the boys through a staged reflection. For our students it is an opportunity to consider their journeying through childhood and adolescence to this point. It also provides an opportunity to examine their relationship with their faith and consider their accompaniment with God along that journey. Many thanks to the Homeroom teachers who participated in the day, along with the boys for their engagement with the theme of the day.

Mr Nathan Mulheron - Assistant Principal, Mission and Identity