Secondary School

Delaney headed for QLD

Delaney Laffy after being selected to represent CIS at the All Schools Carnival in Barooga this week has been named Player of the Tournament after her impressive performances.


In game 1 she had figures of 4-10 of her 4 overs. The next day she took 3-16 of 10 overs which ensured CIS a place in the Grand Final. 


In the final she took the best figures for the match which were 4-24 off 9 overs. Finishing the carnival with 11 wickets at an impressive average of just 4.5.


Her outstanding performances lead to her being selected in the NSW All Schools Team (The best players from the carnival) to play QLD in September.


What an outstanding achievement. Well done Delaney.

PDHPE Update

On Friday 3rd of March, our year 12 PDHPE students were lucky enough to have former student, trainee and current VFLW player Jayda Richardson speak about her experiences with the Essendon Women’s VFL side. Jayda is currently in her second year with Essendon where she is enjoying the challenge of being involved in an elite environment. Jayda spoke to the class about energy systems, types of training, overload and physiological adaptations; all topics which the Year 12s have just covered. We thank Jayda for taking the time out of her day to come and chat to our students.


The fitness centre is up and running for 2023. We have seen many younger students take advantage of the facilities during lunchtimes. The fitness centre is open lunchtimes and afterschool on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. If your child is interested in utilising the facilities please read the policy document and return the signed student agreement to a PDHPE staff member. These forms can be found on SETQA à Portal à Fitness Centre. 


Well done to all of the students in years 7-10 who have participated in the Aquathon this week. The event takes place at the Moama Pool where students are required to swim 175m, run 1km, and swim a further 175m. The event is challenging and exhausting, although its great to see students push themselves to achieve their absolute best. 


Our Year 12 PDHPE students have made full use of the school’s polar heart rate monitors. Students completed a circuit program in the gym as a part of their studies for ‘How does training affect performance?’ Each student wore a heart rate monitor where they could see in real time their heart rate, energy system being utilised, and kilojoules burnt. Students were then required to analyse their heart rate graph data to demonstrate their understanding of the theory content. 


This week sees our Year 9 students begin their Tennis unit at Rich River Golf Club, and the Year 10’s their Lawn Bowls unit at the Moama Bowling Club. Thank you to the local venues for the support shown towards our programs. 

Year 7 HSIE The Stone Age

Year 7 HSIE students have been working with Mrs Patten and Mrs Westblade, focusing on the development of ancient civilization and The Stone Age. Students completed a Day in the Life of a Stone Age Woman cartoon and enjoyed the process of selecting key tasks a stone age woman would complete.Tasks included gathering food, building shelters, the communal raising of children and making fires. 


Zara Broadhead - "I have enjoyed looking at the development of clothing and how people survived during the ice age".


Alexandra Starritt - "Learning about the hunter gatherers and that they have to catch food to live was my favourite part of the unit".


Matilda Eddy - "I have enjoyed learning about how there was no leader and how they had to take risks in order to survive. I liked it when we discussed how it compared to our life today".


Daniel Jose - "I liked seeing the day to day life of the Hadza people. I liked how we saw them hunt for different foods and how the men and women had different roles without having a leader". 


Year 7 Italian

Carnevale in Venezia, Italy, is a huge festival celebrated with parades, masquerade balls, entertainment, music and parties. Mischief and pranks are also common during this time, hence the saying A Carnevale ogni scherzo vale, ‘anything goes at carnival time’. It is a time for having fun and being anyone you want to be! The Venetians dress up in elaborate costumes and wear masks to hide their identity. To celebrate Carnevale time in Venezia, the Year 7 students had fun making their own maschere (masks). See if you can recognise these mischievous students!