Primary School

We are pleased to announce that we are continuing with the popular Academic Co-Curricular program for both English and Mathematics. In addition to the many extension programs and opportunities available for selected students, we are implementing a comprehensive Literacy Intervention Approach from Kindergarten to Year 6. Staff who are involved in teaching these programs have received extensive training and are currently working through the assessment screeners. Parents of students who will be selected to participate in these programs will receive a personalised invitation. 


The PreLit program is supporting students in Kindergarten. PreLit is a systematic, skills-based program that lays a sound foundation for children to learn to read by developing their:

Phonological Awareness

  • syllable identification
  • onset-rime; blending sounds together
  • alliteration; awareness of beginning sounds
  • rhyme; identifying and generating rhyming words
  • phonemes; identifying, blending and segmenting sounds

Print Awareness

  • linking letters to sound


MiniLit Sage is being introduced to support student learning in Year 1 and Year 2. MiniLit Sage has been developed by MultiLit, a research-based initiative of Macquarie University. Similar to PreLit, MiniLit Sage is a systematic, skills-based program that lays a sound foundation for children to learn to read by:

Part A: Teaching the basic phonic code for reading and spelling, starting with single letter-sound correspondences, then moving onto common digraphs. Useful irregular high-frequency words to ensure early access to connected text are also taught.

Part B: Teaching the more useful digraphs from the advanced phonic code for reading and spelling, with a focus on accuracy and fluency for text reading. Irregular high-frequency words continue to be taught.


Finally, we offer the MacqLit program to selected students in Years 3 to Year 6. MacqLit is a reading program for children who need to further develop their:

  • understanding of letter-sound correspondences
  • strategies for decoding multisyllabic words
  • prefixes and suffixes
  • oral reading fluency


Room for a Zoom

To support possible future families who are currently considering their child’s education and would like to find out more about our school, we are offering a 30-minute obligation free Zoom information session on Tuesday 21 March and Thursday 4 May. Topics which will be discussed include; curriculum opportunities, co-curricular and extra-curricular programs, student wellbeing, enrolment process, fees, key dates and other general information. If you know of anyone who is considering enrolment at our school, feel free to share the flyer below.



Year 7 Open Evening

Our Year 5 and Year 6 students are invited to join us for the Year 7 Open Evening where they can meet key Secondary staff and explore our Secondary facilities as they are led through activities and classroom tours. Please make sure you register your attendance.



On Friday 3 March, we welcomed many of our families to our Primary Assembly. Two of our Year 6 School Leaders; Matthew Maxwell and Lyla Bassett did an amazing job hosting this event. We were entertained by Rory Mansfield, Hudson Knight, William Eacott and Isabelle Townrow, who all played solo performances on the piano. Miss Briggs solved the mystery of the Flying Fox and selected students in Year 3 presented their persuasive writing pieces on whether or not the flying fox should see a return in the playground. 

Core Value Awards were awarded to students who consistently display one or more of the School’s Core Values and motto. Congratulations to the students listed below. Our next Assembly is on Friday 31 March at 2:15pm in the Multipurpose Hall. We look forward to seeing you there.






Anastasia Attalh 2AHamish Cain 1BIsabelle Barnett 4BBodhi Coogan 3A
Lila Courts 6BAddison Coburn 2AChanel Borg 3BKade Fleming 5B
Chad Johns KATanner Janssen 4ADusty Harris KBMax Johns 5B
Logan McMaster 1CEdward Knight KBJack Kennaugh KAPippa Lane 5A
Evie Pell 2BCharlie Lew 5BAlex Lindberg 1BHarlow McCallum 5B
Mia Spinks 1CViolet Lew 3ACabe Ludlow 6BGeorgia McIntosh 4A
Skye Starritt 5AHarnaaz Sidhu 4BChad McKee 3BMatthew Maxwell 6B
Jack Wheatley 6BMea Whitelegg 2BLily McKenzie 4ALaura Mitchell 5B
  Ted Morton 6BTed Palmer 5A
  Tighe Teasdale 5AWinnie Whipp 5A
  Lachlan Wildes 1A 
  Lachlan Wildes 1A 
  Morgan Wright 3B 



Piano Exam Awards

On Saturday 25 February, 14 Primary students completed a piano exam through 'St Cecilia School of Music.' All students performed three pieces and technical work, as well as answered music general knowledge questions and completed aural tests as part of the exam, which was assessed by an examiner who flew all the way from Tasmania! All students did a fantastic job of completing their exam and they received excellent results. Congratulations to the students below who received their certificate of achievement at our Assembly.



Alenna Coburn
Hannah McCleary
Luana Kincaid
Archie Flanigan
James Cox
Sophie Wheatley 
Grace Spear
Winnie Whipp
Chelsea Looney
Charlie Flanigan
Rosie Grant
Tyler Cox


Stage 2 Clean Up Day

The Clean Up Australia, School Clean Up Day was held on Thursday 2 March and students from Years 3 and 4 participated. The students teamed up in House groups to clean up areas of the school grounds. Chanter cleaned the Primary area, Martin cleaned the Middle school area, Meninya cleaned the senior school and Pericoota cleaned the undercover area and around the Science blocks. The students were proud of how little rubbish could be found in the Primary School area of the school. The students enjoyed their time giving back to the school community and discussed ways they could reduce their environmental impact for future generations.


Pastoral Care

Psychologist Ivan Honey (Get Happier Project creator) visited Year 5 and Year 6 students on Tuesday as a guest speaker to lead discussions about how we can support our own and other people’s wellbeing. He shared different insights in how our minds work and how we have the ability to make ourselves feel happier; something that we all need to know more about! 


Peer Support

Whilst Harmony Week is celebrated on Tuesday 21 March, our Primary students celebrated Harmony Day today on Friday 10 March. Harmony Day celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. Harmony Day is about including, respecting and appreciating the stories, traditions and cultures of all people who call Australia home. Our Year 6 students led an informative based craft session for our Primary students to promote the messages of Harmony Day and it provided a great opportunity for our students to connect with other year levels across the school.


We would like to remind parents who utilise the Primary carpark to do so with caution. Please observe the speed limits and be mindful of others when parking and reversing. We appreciate your support in keeping our students safe. 


Upcoming Events

13/03/23              Labour Day Public Holiday (school closed)

14/03/23             Learn to Swim Program Year 2 and Year 4 (all week)

15/03/23              NAPLAN starts

17/03/23              Chapel

20/03/23              Learn to Swim Program Kindergarten and Year 1 (all week)

21/03/23              Room for a Zoom Kinder 2024

23/03/23              Life Ed Van starts

27/03/23              Learn to Swim Program Year 3 (all week)

27/03/23              Year 7 Open Evening


Kind Regards,


Nici Deller                                                      Mel Scott

Head of Primary                                          Head of Teaching and Learning Primary