Old Collegians

Don McCausland

Don McCausland
Don McCausland

Hello again


Further to our lunch with Deputy Principal, Alf Mungioli (reported in last edition), we met with Alf and Principal, Rebecca Kirkwood on 9th March. In attendance were myself, Tim Flanagan and Erika Tharratt (2010 College Captain and Dux as well as a committee member), Melanie Constable (2003 College Captain and association Treasurer), Ross McGuiness (Historical society) and Wendy Sutton (town committee member). 


The meeting was the most positive that we as committee members have ever had with the College leaders. They are very supportive and interested in helping the association. The major topic addressed was how to better connect with students and parents. Other subjects on the agenda were a memorabilia cabinet, fundraising and opening an Old Collegians Facebook page. During morning tea, Tim and I were invited to address the students.


There was also the offer of assistance with the 70 year reunion for those of us who commenced at DSA in 1953. There was an offer to transport attendees to the College for a farm tour which we look forward to adding to our agenda for the 28th October. 


We left the meeting pleased and happy and with a renewed sense of purpose. However, we do need more members to join the committee as, as has been said before, most of us are getting too old. The drive of over 300km to Denmark each time is getting to be quite difficult for us. 


Sylvia and I cleaned out the gutters of the town gazebo while we were in Denmark. There were comments made about an 87 year old climbing a ladder. Are you able to help? It’s not a big job but one I probably shouldn’t be doing. 


Tim Flanagan and myself added more names on the Honour Walls including both Melanie and Erika. Others were Duncan Porter, Raymond Ashton, Jasper Murphy, Jack James, Mitchell Proctor, Darcy Proctor and Jodie Pollard. 


I noted from the last College newsletter that Paige Zweck scored above 80 in the Year 12 ATAR. Paige was the 2020 recipient of the George Elliott Memorial Scholarship. (Paige wrote a thank you letter on receipt of the scholarship). Congratulations Paige on your excellent achievement. We wish you all the very best in your future life. It makes all our members so proud to be able to offer scholarship assistance to students at their commencement at the College.     


Reminder to those students from 1952 to 1956 and relatives of the deceased that we are holding a 70 year reunion in Denmark from 26th to 29th October. The main event will be on Saturday 28th at the old school area. Please let me know if you’re intending to come along. Phone: 0428 526 398, email: hisylvi@bigpond.com.



Don McCausland




Get your name on the honour wall - contact us to have your name added. Contacts are: Wendy Sutton 0419 048 694; Marjorie Morrison 9848 1633; Delys Ravenhill 0427 408 051 or myself 0428 526 398, email: hisylvi@bigpond.com.