Residential Manager

Megan Butt

Megan Butt
Megan Butt

 I can’t believe Term 1 is coming to an end. What an amazing term we have had. We have seen our students settle in well to boarding life. 



We should all now be comfortable with REACH. Seeing all the leave requests coming in via the portal is fabulous. I thank you for submitting leave in by Wednesday each week. This ensures a smooth running of our College over the weekend.



We have been busy here at the College with lots happening for our students. We had Albany Residential College come over for lunch last weekend and had a friendly Basketball game. This was enjoyed by all especially with us having a win. We will be joining them over in Albany in the coming weeks for a friendly beach cricket game and swimming races.




What an event! How amazing did everyone look? The Ball is planned and organised by a Yr12 student Ball Committee. To say they did an amazing job would be an understatement! There were many meetings and lots of planning put in to get the ball up and happening. I have had nothing but positive feed back about the event. A huge thankyou to Keir Mulder who led the committee and supported the students to have their visions turned into reality.




We have had several students go down with cold/flu symptoms. It is so important to remember that as a boarding college of 91 students illness can spread rapidly. If your child is unwell, we may ask that they be collected to reduce the spread. Being at home when you are unwell is the best place for our young people.


End of term 

End of term is coming up! School will finish at 2pm Thursday 6th April. We ask that all students be collected from 2pm and no later then 4pm. If travel arrangements are required, please check in before booking to ensure we have someone available to transport your child to where they need to be.


Fishing during residential time.
Fishing during residential time.