Program Coordinator - Teaching & Learning

Mark Boynton

Mark Boynton
Mark Boynton

On Monday 3rd April our Year 10 Students will set off on the Industry Adventure Tour. Leaving Denmark at 8:00 and heading for Manjimup and Greenbushes for visits, before arriving at camp in Dwellingup later in the afternoon.  We are very pleased to see so many students already locked into that tour, thank you.  I’m sure it will be a wonderful adventure for all.  We return on Thursday with drop off points in Williams, Kojonup and Mt Barker, arriving back in Denmark in the early afternoon.


Students have now all had a chance to settle into the College and complete assessments across all subject areas.  I’m pleased to see so many making solid efforts to do well and follow the guidance and support of the staff around the school. 


New ATAR students are starting to get used to the expectations and requirements of the new courses.  It's essential that those in ATAR pathways take a conscientious approach to learning and independent study to ensure success.  Please speak to your teachers if you need additional support.


For many students, OLNA (Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment) is coming up soon and we hope all students complete these tests well.  Successful completion of the tests is a requirement of the WACE achievement standard.  Support and guidance is available from me or classroom teachers.  OLNA Tutoring happens every Wednesday in CR2.

Teachers have also set up Mathletics ( and to support students in achieving these levels.  There are also free access practice tests here:


The College Assessment Policy update has resulted in improved assessment completion.  As stated in the policy (policy can be found on the website and Compass) there are penalties for late submission of assessments. This policy aims to promote an equitable approach to grading of assessments.  It is important that students feel they are treated fairly and if there are genuine reasons (e.g. health appointment etc) and difficulties in completing tasks, please speak to teachers as soon as possible.


In learning Areas:

Busy start to term in Equine! Year 10's getting an up close and interactive dentist visit along with farm walks to learn how to handle horses safely in different situations. Year 12's learning how to prepare for shows with plaiting- mighty important with a bunch of students who are representing the College at Interschools over the April holidays (good luck girls!) And the Year 11's learning how to lunge a horse and bring them back into work after a spell. (Emily Pagan)


Animal Production System students are getting involved theory and practicals on the Farm with a variety of activities.  Some groups are investigating the Calendar of Operations for the Dairy.  Year 12 ATAR students are examining nutritional requirements of stock and the Year 11 Generals continue to monitor and report on weight gain and condition scores in the sheep feedlot trial. 


Plant Production Systems students are out of school next week with Mr Stone heading for the Denmark Shire Deport to meet with Rangers and Conservation Officers, finding out about revegetation projects and tree propagation for the region.

English ATAR students are working towards increased understanding of language in films and conventions of documentaries.  Identifying the ways that information an opinion is conveyed to the viewers.


Design and Technology students continue to make huge leaps in this new course.  Developing ideas, creating plans including 3D printing options. Our investment into additional space and resources has opened up new possibilities in the trade training areas. 


Cert II Metals students are also working very well to create some large projects such as trailers, ute trays and welding tables.  I also visited Autos today and witnessed Mr Kemp teaching students about the engine valve adjustment and timing.  This continues to be an area of great interest and we will continue to support and build on this for our student needs. 

The Year 12 General Animal Production class have been learning about the dairy industry. To compliment what happens here at the College the students went out into industry to get some experience in another production system. Hosted by Delys and Kym Ravenhill, the students got to participate in the afternoon milking, learning practical skills and gaining knowledge about alternative dairy systems.