Deputy Principal

Alf Mungioli

Alf Mungioli
Alf Mungioli


This week we have had lunch time assemblies for each year group. We have acknowledged a variety of students for their efforts in creating positive relationships, achieving personal excellence and having a positive attendance. We will also be acknowledging excellence on Farm in the coming days. 


Interim Reports

Feedback of student progress will soon be sent home in the form of an Interim Report. At the end of this term, parents are expected to receive an update of the progress for their child’s efforts for Term One. Teachers will indicate classwork and assessment task progress while also providing feedback on attitude and effort of students. Should parents have any questions or want further information on how their child is going in subjects, we suggest they get in touch directly with the classroom teacher.



So many students are taking their work at our College seriously. It is pleasing to note that 36 out of 40 Year 10 students have achieved over 90% attendance so far this term. Significant improvements have been made by so many Year 11’s and Yr 12’s with their attendance, in comparison to late last year. Thanks again to the support of parents.

Please note that when students are away on a Farm Day they miss a rotation on a section of the Farm that they may not be exposed to for over 7 weeks. This impacts on the students ability to complete required work for their Certificate II in Agriculture.


Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA)

As you may be aware, to achieve secondary graduation, students need to demonstrate a minimum standard of literacy and numeracy, either through prequalifying by achieving Band 8 or higher in their Year 9 NAPLAN or through the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA).

The OLNA has three components—reading, writing and numeracy. The reading and numeracy components comprise 45 multiple‐choice questions; the writing component is an extended response of up to 600 words. Students are allowed 50 minutes for the reading and numeracy components and 60 minutes for the writing. 

Students who are yet to achieve their OLNA will have a letter sent home to update parents of their child’s current OLNA status. These students will have an opportunity to pass their OLNA early next term as we will have testing from Mon 1st May to Friday 5th May. They are important dates for students to be at school as testing only happens twice a year.

After school tutoring sessions are available for Maths/Numeracy (for all students) on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4pm – 4.45pm. Thanks to Mrs Hatch and Mr Boynton who support students after school.


Learning Management System

Our College places great emphasis on ALL students successfully completing their Certificate II Agriculture. Students have the opportunity to progress with the theory component of the qualification in Year 10 during Skills sessions, in Year 11 during Farm Skills and at least 2 hours of private study time in Year 12. Support is provided by teachers, trainers and farm staff.


Mr Scahill is a great support for students and, in a joint collaborative project with WACoA Narrogin, has spent a great deal of time creating an Online Learning Management System (LMS). Students across Year 10 and 11 have been shown how to access resources, material and quizzes on this system to prepare them for the assessments for Certificate II Agriculture. Students are encouraged to access this system during prep time or as homework.