
Rebecca Kirkwood

Rebecca Kirkwood
Rebecca Kirkwood

As I write this we are heading rapidly towards the end of term; and what a term it has been. We have seen our students begin to settle and embrace the fantastic opportunities available at the College.

Eight weeks in and we are really beginning to see the fruits of our labour from last year with the changes to the timetable. Staff, students and families are generally relaying positive experiences. The main positives centre around increased pathway choice, new WACE courses, a balanced frequency of when courses are offered, benefits of structured study supervision, provision for Certificate delivery within the student timetable and a greater emphasis on expert farm staff delivering agricultural content to students. We are discovering some things are working well and are adjusting our practices when they don’t. We always remain flexible where we can and make decisions that are best for our students. 


Next year, sees the introduction of two new ATAR courses. In its regular review of WACE courses, Schools Curriculum and Standards Authority made the decision to cease the delivery of the ATAR Plants and ATAR Animals course to Year 11 students from 2024. Instead, new courses of ATAR Agribusiness and ATAR Agricultural Science are to be taught. Our staff and a member of the Agricultural Advisory Committee have been included in the two year consultation process. We are lucky to have our very own ATAR Animals teacher, Claire Petrie, engaged by Murdoch University to deliver training to Agricultural Science teachers across the state to assist them deliver the new courses. Current Year 11 students are not affected and will remain in the existing ATAR Plants and Animals course in Year 12, 2024. More will come out about these courses to our Year 10 families later in the year.


As many of you are aware there was a Department led change to the enrolment process just prior to my arrival in 2021 that has seen a greater impetus on enrolling students with a passion for agriculture and trades.  Enrolments for 2024 look strong. Mr Mungioli and I have been busily interviewing prospective students for next year and it’s lovely to hear from young people so passionate about the agricultural industry. I encourage all families to submit their enrolment applications.


In 2022, we spent some time upgrading the digital technology enhancements in our Trades area. This is of course part of our commitment to upgrade and expand our Trades area. Engagement with industry revealed that our students needed more exposure to technology through their vocational and WACE courses. Last year, we purchased a CNC plasma cutter and two 3D printers to support this. Last week saw the completion of our Trades Computer Lab. These brand-new computers loaded with CAD software will see our students ready to embrace the workforce. 


In the last two weeks I have attended two very different events: Wagin Woolarama and the School Ball. I always enjoy attending agricultural shows and where possible, camp overnight with the students. I continue to be so impressed with our student’s behaviour, maturity and skills. I receive regular feedback about the professionalism of our students and it’s always a pleasure to attend and see them perform so well. Thank you to Mr Marshall and his team for creating these opportunities for our students. I attended the school ball on Saturday night and I must say what a lovely event it was! With over 145 attendees it was one of our biggest balls ever. A huge thanks must go to our student Ball Committee lead by residential staff member Keir Mulder – the night was simply fantastic!