On 14th March the Year 11 VCM VM and Year 12 VCAL classes had their camp in Geelong.  The main focusses of the camp was to see educational facilities that may be relevant to future studies, and to participate in activities that would bring the group closer together socially.  It also gave staff an opportunity to see students in a different setting and see how the dynamics of the group worked.


Students had to work in teams in escape rooms which was great fun (although a bit hot in the rooms!).  Students went to Bell’s Beach to see where the Easter World Tour surf event would be held. Later that day they had a two hour surf lesson by a world ranked surfer who will be surfing at Bell’s himself.  (We didn’t know at the time Owen was a surfing legend)


We visited a variety of educational venues, including Deakin University and The Gordon TAFE facility.  The students were granted a rare opportunity at GMHBA stadium for a careers tour.  It was mind blowing how many opportunities for work exist and it was rare as they don’t take school groups as a rule.


The meals were great and the accommodation at Deakin Waterfront was terrific.  A few too many students may have locked themselves out of their room too often – hey Lachy?  (3 times). 


All in all, it was a whirlwind camp which was lots of fun with learning and understanding opportunities along the way.  While Geelong is a long way away, the venues and events made it all worthwhile.


Thanks must go to Mr Haley for organising the camp and to him and Ms Quaife who gave up their time to take all the students to the camp. Also a very big thank you must to go MMLEN who sponsored the camp for $1000 and made the camp much cheaper for the students.