From the Deputy Principal

Caroline Wilson-Haffenden

Yesterday, students and staff gathered in the Nagle Centre for a whole-school assembly. The opportunity to come together and celebrate students’ contributions and achievements should never be underestimated. Assemblies foster a feeling of unity and a positive school culture, and it was a fitting way to celebrate the end of Term 1. 


Our opening prayer centered on Harmony Day, which was an opportunity to recognise our diversity but also the importance of inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.


Badges were presented to our First Nations students as daily reminder of their cultural identity, and to the students who hold positions of responsibility in the St Vincent de Paul group. 


The celebration of students’ creativity and performance was a highlight of the assembly with our Preps proudly displaying their self-portraits and the Year 4 choir performing along with senior student, Lucy McKenna (Year 10).


We acknowledged the Year 11 and 12 students for their commitment to Relay for Life, as well as the success of our rowing team at the Head of the River, the junior swimming team and the senior athletics team. There was certainly a great deal to celebrate!


The House Cup competition is an integral part of St Mary’s College. In addition to providing a House update – Manresa currently leads the way, the House Prefects in partnership with the Junior School Leaders participated in a 'Kahoot' to raise awareness of Clean Up Australia Day and this Friday’s Earth Hour.  Any opportunity to win valuable House points is always appreciated as evidenced by the enthusiasm of the Junior School.

Year 6 students donned gloves and pulled up their sleeves this afternoon for our Clean Up Australia Day drive. Students across the College will be participating in the initiative this week, which is supported by Sustainability Officer, Phil Shanny and Prefect for Environment and Sustainability, Elizabeth Monks. 

To conclude our gathering, students enjoyed a gallery of photographs from the Year 7 PILLARS program, and we look forward to sharing more about the PILLARS program next term.


It is a privilege to witness so many achievements and outstanding performances. Thank you to the students, teachers, learning support staff and families for making Term 1 so memorable. I wish all students and staff a rejuvenating break and look forward to welcoming everyone back on Wednesday 26 April.