College life in pictures

Students working against the clock

Time was of the essence for our Year 11 General Maths 2 class when they launched an investigation into candle clocks! 

Cheers to NAPLAN

Year 5 students celebrated the end of NAPLAN with hot chocolates on the College Green. 

Practice makes perfect

Students in Year 6 have added another string to their bow, borrowing instruments to take home for the first time. We can't wait to see what musical delights await after some practice and fine-tuning! 

Studies of Religion 3

Religion 3 students took a break from the books to pose for a photo during their recent studies on Judaism. Students are examining its major traditions, belief systems and religious dress, as modelled by Secondary Teacher, Andrew Clarke and his class below. 

Berrylicious smoothie bowls 

Year 9/10 Food Technologies students have been perfecting the skill of fine food plating, presentation and photography. The class recently created some berry eye-catching delights, filled with carefully placed fruits and toppings to make up their smoothie bowls. Master chefs in the making! 

Somewhere over the rainbow...

Thank you to SMC parent, Ruthie Mihal, who captured this lovely photo recently of a rainbow seen beaming across the convent building. 

SMC paints the College green

Students enjoyed showing off their best green outfits on Friday 17 March  as they took part in the St Patrick's Day festivities. A sea of green could be spotted across the College with students coming together for a lunchtime parade to celebrate all things Irish.