From the Principal

Damian Messer

As we approach the most important liturgical week in the Church’s calendar, we look forward to commemorating Christ’s death and resurrection and the true significance of Easter. In line with Catholic tradition, on Thursday 6  April we will participate in the Stations of the Cross, a Lenten devotion that offers witness to Jesus' last day on Earth. 


I wish everyone in the College community a very happy, holy and safe Easter. I will be on leave from Wednesday 26 April, returning to the College on Monday 22 May. During this time, Caroline Wilson-Haffenden will be Acting Principal and Andrew Clarke will be Acting Deputy Principal. I thank both Caroline and Andrew for once again taking up these roles in my absence. 


I also take this opportunity to wish the whole St Mary’s College community a wonderful break and thank the staff who will continue to work during the holidays to improve the College for our students' return in Term 2. 


A reminder that Monday 24 April is a Student Free Day to allow the staff to attend our annual Staff Spirituality Day. Students return to school on Wednesday 26 April for the start of Term 2.

Events (past and upcoming)

Year 7-12 SSATIS Athletics – Friday 24 March

Last Friday our Senior Athletics team participated in the SSATIS carnival. Our team acquitted itself very well, winning both the Junior Shield and Aggregate Points Shield. This team effort is particularly impressive as all students contribute to points as they compete.  A large thank you to all the staff involved in preparing the team. The students will now prepare to travel to Launceston for the Year 7-12 State SATIS carnival, to be held on Tuesday 4 April. We wish the team all the very best! 


Rowing – Head of the River – Saturday 18 March

After a very long season, our rowers had their final regatta with the Head of the River on Saturday 18 March. It was a beautiful day on the lake and all our rowers competed with great pride. The team as a whole was very successful, winning the Junior Shield and coming second in the Senior Shield by one point. 

We take the opportunity to thank all of our coaches, parents, carers and supporters who have dedicated an enormous amount of their time to give our students the opportunity to be successful. 


Relay for Life - Saturday 18 March and Sunday 19 March 

Our Senior students supported the Relay for Life last weekend and raised approximately $6,000 for the cause. Congratulations and thanks to all students and staff who supported the event across the 24 hours.

See more photos on our online photo gallery here.


Our Grandparents' Day is coming up on Wednesday 5 April. It has been three years since we last held this event at the College. We are very much looking forward to its return in the Junior School and meeting lots of grandparents and special people in our students' lives. The celebrations will include classroom visits and a morning tea in the Junior School Courtyard. 

Enrolments and Principal tours

A reminder that if you have friends or relatives interested in enrolling their children at the College, please let them know they will need to contact our Enrolment Officer, Nicole Wighton, on as soon as possible to progress an enrolment application. This is also a requirement for families who have a child already attending the College but need to enrol a sibling. 


Key dates: 

  • Applications remain open for Kindergarten 2023.
  • Applications are now open for Kindergarten 2024 and close on Friday 5 May 2023.
  • Applications remain open for primary 2024 and Year 11/12  2023-2024 enrolments
  • Applications are now being accepted for Year 7 2025 and are due by September 2023. 

Please refer to the College website for more details:


The first Meet the Principal Tour for 2023 will be held this Friday 31 March at 9.00am for a 9.15am start. To find out more and to register your place, please visit


The upcoming Meet the Principal Tour dates are listed below: 

  • Friday 2 June at 9.00am for 9.15am start
  • Friday 28 July at 9.00am for 9.15am start
  • Friday 15 September at 9.00am for 9.15am start
  • Friday 3 November at 9.00am for 9.15am start