
Young Australian of the Year Awards and Nominations
Nominations are now open for the Young Australian of the Year Award. Nominate a Young Person who you think has made an impact and a difference in our local community.
HPV Vaccine
A message from the Central Gippsland Aboriginal Health Services
The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) has become more prominent in our community. We are trying to ensure both children and young adults are vaccinated for this virus. The good news is, only one dose is now required (previously 3 does were required).
We are running an HPV Vaccination Day for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander children and young adults at Central Gippsland Aboriginal Corporation on Monday the 25th of September and wish to extend the invite to our local schools and local providers.
This will be the 2nd week of the school holidays and we are encouraging children from Year 7 upwards, and young adults to attend (ages 12 to 25 years old).
There will be a goodie bag.
1 x McDonalds Voucher.
1 x Village Movie Pass for all participants to enjoy over the holidays.
Lunch will be provided after the vaccine is administered.
NOTE: For catering purposes and the goodie bags, bookings are essential, and confirmation must be made by Friday the 15th of September by contacting the CO-OP on 5136 5128.
Please complete the registration form below and have these completed and returned when booking in your vaccination.