Careers Update

Guest Speaker - Australian Maritime College (AMC) – Maritime Engineering
Lowanna College was lucky enough to have Brendan from the Australian Maritime College and Brett, a Naval Architect, speak with our students about the exciting career opportunities available specialising in Maritime Engineering.
Course Counselling
On August 9th, all Year 10 students underwent course counselling for their 2024 subjects with individual sessions scheduled. This is an important step in your child’s future, as they decide on the program that they will undergo in the Senior School as well as having the opportunity to focus on those subjects that really interest them. If you have not had your session, please contact the Senior School on 5127 9243.
Federation University Study Skills
On August 2nd the Year 12 students had a study skills refresher from Leigh Albon of Federation University. Leigh is the Gippsland Campus Learning Skills Advisor who was here to help students refresh their revision and exam strategies. Thank you for your time Leigh.
VTAC – Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre
Our VCE Year 12 students have been working on applying for university courses for 2024. VTAC sessions have been held to support our students through this process and will continue until the end of the term. Students are encouraged to open a VTAC account by the 28th of September. The Year 12 guide is a useful tool for students -
VTAC provide several resources on their website to support students and parents -
University Open Days
It is strongly recommended that senior students attend as many open days as possible as this will ensure they have made an informed choice when selecting courses for 2024. If you have missed the open days, please don’t hesitate to contact the University directly to speak with the relevant faculty, or to organise a private tour.
My Future
You can explore occupations related to your favourite school subjects. After you create an account, click on ‘explore career bullseyes’ and then click on your favourite subjects. Start exploring career pathways by selecting a learning area you enjoy.
The Good Career Guide
The Good Career Guide is a multi-platform resource for students commencing their career journey. There are over 500 different job descriptions and students can explore occupations based on their interests and traits.
Project Ready
This program is a hands-on life and work readiness program designed to help students get ready for the future world of work. The objective is to help young people prepare for their future. Project Ready is a full year program undertaking a VET course that includes a Certificate II in Active Volunteering, giving students a great headstart! The program is run by a facilitator who had has experience in youth programs and development.
Lowanna College has three students involved in the program who are thoroughly enjoying it. Well done to David Platschinda, Mason Willis and Logan Hipwell who were willing to take a risk and try something new.
Year 9 Morrisby Career Counselling Interviews.
Well done to our year 9 students who have now completed both the Morrisby Career assessment and the Morrisby counselling interviews. This online assessment is designed to help students discover, develop, and drive their career planning. It's a unique opportunity for them to learn more about their strengths and abilities, while exploring potential career options – giving the students the confidence to start taking control of their future.
Work Experience
In July, 90 of our Year 10 students participated in one week of work experience through the Lowanna College careers program and as a part of their work education class. The students were responsible for sourcing their own placement, a process which required resilience and rewarded initiative. By seeking their own employment opportunities, students were able to build on the College’s formal careers education program and further develop valuable organisation, communication, and interpersonal skills.
Participating in the work experience program provided students with insight into the industries and workplaces in which they had sought. It gave students the opportunity to explore possible career options, understand employer expectations and develop key employability skills. In addition, students were able to build their understanding of self, demonstrate maturity and independence, and develop a sense of self-confidence and achievement.
The employer feedback for the students at Lowanna College was fantastic. Students were commended for their positive approach to their placement, upholding the school values and being fabulous ambassadors for the school. Respect, initiative, enthusiasm, and strong work ethic were reoccurring themes in employer feedback. Thank you and well done to students who exemplified our high expectations.
With work experience now complete, it is the perfect time for students to reflect on all that they have learned and begin to explore their career interests and aspirations through conversations at home, with teachers or by making an appointment with the careers team to discuss pathway options.
Lowanna College extends our grateful thanks to all the employers who hosted our students this year providing them with the opportunity to learn and grow in the local community.
Year 11 and 12 VM Gippsland Job Skills Expo at Lardner Park.
On Tuesday 25th July, our Vocational Major students attended the Job Skills Expo at Lardner Park, Warragul. The expo targets students to engage them with hands on activities, advice and information about the various skills, jobs and industries that make up our regional workforce. By all accounts the students found this extremely beneficial with the availability of static displays and the short seminars providing practical information and advice to them.
USI – Unique Student Identifier
What is a Unique Student Identifier (USI)?
A USI is your individual education number for life. It also gives you an online record of your vocational education and training (VET) undertaken in Australia.
If you're at University, TAFE or doing other nationally recognised training, you need a USI. Without one, you can't get Commonwealth financial assistance or your qualification or statement of attainment.
Year 10 students starting a VET course in 2024 will need to ensure they have a USI.
A tax file number (TFN) is your personal reference number in the tax and superannuation systems.
Your TFN is:
a unique number (usually 9 digits)
an important part of your identity
yours for life – you keep your TFN even if you change jobs or name, move interstate or go overseas.
Students commencing part time work will need to have a TFN. To apply see:
Part-time work
Are you looking for part time work? Do you need help with your resume?
We can help you, so come and see us in the careers room.
Below are some links of businesses that you can apply:
Coles -
IGA supermarkets -
McDonalds -
Kmart -
Kentucky Fried Chicken -
Hungry Jacks -
Bunnings -
Careers Support
We are available as a support for students and parents with any questions or queries you have. Please feel free to contact the Careers team:
Kirsty Mitchell ph: 5127 9225 or
Alisha Disisto ph: 5127 9264 or