Mini School Updates

Junior School
Term 3 has certainly flown, with us already passing the halfway point.
I would like to congratulate the majority of our students who have embraced the challenge set to them at the start of the term, to be respectful to others, arrive to class on time and with the correct equipment. The Junior Team have worked to support students by helping to set up their lockers, providing stationery and other resources and conversations around what respectful behaviour in the classroom looks like. It is pleasing to see the number of chronicles recorded under ‘climate reset’ drop steadily across the term.
We are still providing a large number of students with writing books and pens each day. I understand it is often the last thing on a student’s mind when they get home to ask parents to purchase them pens or writing books. Can you please check in with your student if they require any resources for school. If your family need support with resources, please contact the Junior School.
Grade 6 Transition Day
On the 16th of August we hosted 180 Grade 6 students from local and other primary schools. This is the second opportunity we have had this year to get to know our 2024 Year 7 cohort, and what a great bunch of kids they are.
After the terrible weather we had on Open Day, we were blessed with a wonderful sunny day. Not that I can take credit for this, but it was tremendous to be able to deliver on student feedback that our next transition day would have been even better if “it didn’t rain”.
Students participated in classes from a range of faculties and got another chance to experience a day as a Lowanna Student. I really enjoyed visiting classes across the day and seeing the way in which the Grade 6 students embraced the challenges of a new environment, different classes and meeting new teachers.
Lunchtime was a highlight with Grade 6’s and Lowanna students joining together to enjoy a music concert performed by our talented music students. The gym hosted basketball and netball games where the primary school students took on some of our middle and senior school students, in some very competitive games. I think everyone was sorry when the bell rang to signal the end of the fun!
A big thank you to the staff and students involved across the day for ensuring we had a successful and enjoyable day.
We look forward to seeing our 2024 Year 7 cohort for statewide Transition Day in December where they will be with their Year 7 form groups for the day.
Junior School Camp
We are hosting a camp at Alexandra Adventure Resort from the 16 – 18 October for all Junior School Students. The camp is being subsidised by the College and the cost is $395, which includes accommodation, transport, food (other than lunch on day 1) and activities.
The camp has a range of activities designed to allow students to challenge themselves, build their self-confidence and resilience and most importantly have fun. It is a great opportunity to meet some new friends and get to know their teachers outside of the school environment.
I would encourage all Year 7 and 8 students to come along and have a great time. Expressions of Interest must be received by the 1st of September. For additional information please see Compass or contact the Junior School.
GPAs provide a valuable insight into your student’s learning behaviours and allows them to set goals on classes or particular areas across all classes that they can improve. I encourage all families to review GPA’s released last week and for students to take the time to discuss what is working well and set an improvement goal for the next GPA cycle. Parent Teacher Conferences will be held at the end of Term 3 and will be a great opportunity for families to review the progress of this goal with teachers.
The Junior School Team are looking forward to a positive last few weeks of Term 3. As always if you wish to discuss your student and/or their progress at school, please contact the Junior Office on 5127 9240.
Kristy Bannister
Junior School Leader
Middle School
It has been a busy time for Middle School students in Term 3. Our Year 9 students have had the follow up to their Morrisby assessments which will hopefully assist students in choosing their subjects for Year 10 next year and their personal career path.
We had over 100 Year 10 students attend work experience, which was an opportunity to learn what the workforce in their future careers may be like. We hope that they enjoyed the experience and that it helps with making decisions for their future easier. It was very pleasing to hear the positive reports from employers on how our students conducted themselves, with a few asking to have the student back for extra time.
On the 9th of August our Year 10 students underwent their individual course counselling for their 2024 subjects. This was an important step for students to decide the program that they can focus on for their future pathway.
Our school value of 'respect' is most important in the smooth running of the College. Respect for yourself, respect for others and respect for your surroundings are vital to promote a culture of support and inclusion for all students. I urge Middle School students to place greater emphasis on this key value in coming weeks. This begins with how you treat yourself and others within our Lowanna Community.
As a College we have been focusing on 3 basic objectives for students; to arrive on time to classes, to have all required equipment and to be respectful to others. These objectives have been very successful, and staff have found that they have assisted the students' learning and achieving higher outcomes.
Across the entire College, we have a strong focus on attendance and ensuring as few absences as possible. Evidence indicates that poor attendance can affect student outcomes, as well as many social factors. Please ensure that you contact the school if your student is away either by entering their absence on Compass yourself or contacting the Middle School Office on 5127 9246. If you require assistance with your Compass login, please contact the College.
Darren Mitchell
Middle School Leader
Senior School
Welcome back to Term 3. It was great to see students back and looking well rested after the school holidays. I hope that students and families took the chance to reflect on comments provided in school reports at the end of Term 2 in order to set some individual goals and have a plan to prepare for the most productive and successful term possible.
SAC season is in full swing, and the upcoming weeks are a busy time for assessment across the Senior School. I urge all students to stay focused, seek help and assistance from your teachers, and reach out for support if needed. There are a wide range of resources and supports that we can offer, and it is important to remain proactive in seeking any help as soon as students realise things are going a bit off course, rather than ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away. A reminder that tutors are available for most subjects and can be accessed, along with staff, at after school study sessions on a Monday and Wednesday. These run from 3.15 pm – 4.15 pm.
Our Senior Students have had a busy start to the term, with many participating in a range of events and excursions in addition to their academic studies. Our Year 11 and 12 VCE-VM students attended the Jobskills Expo where they were able to explore opportunities for future career pathways with Baw Baw Shire and other industries. We have also had students out representing the College as part of the Senior Basketball team and those Year 11 students who are participating in the Debutante Ball this year have also started their dance rehearsals. Year 12 Physics students also went to a screening of Oppenheimer, which was a nice way for them to experience the intersection of popular culture and quantum physics. It’s great to see so many opportunities for students to engage in a wide variety of activities that allow them to explore and develop their individual strengths and interests.
Senior School Information Night and Course Counselling is an important time for Year 10 students, where they begin seriously considering and thinking about their future pathways. This process commenced with an Information Evening where parents and students were provided with an overview of how the Senior School (Year 11 and 12) works and course options including VCE, VCE-VET and VCE-VM options. We were fortunate to have representations from tertiary providers including Federation University, TAFE Gippsland, Community College Gippsland and Headstart present on the night to answer questions that students and their families had. There was a separate assembly held with Year 9 and 10 students and the process is now largely complete, following the Course Counselling Day last Wednesday 9 August. I would like to thank all the parents and students that attended, as education is not only a journey for the students it is a partnership between the school, the student and their parent. In addition, I would like to thank the Senior School team, the Careers team and all other staff who have worked diligently with students throughout the process by providing invaluable information and assistance.
Finally, a couple of administrative reminders. All students are expected to be in full school uniform at all times. This includes headwear. There are Lowanna College beanies available for purchase given the current wintery weather. The College also has the Uniform Exchange system in place to support students and their families to ensure that all students can be in uniform. Any student absences should be communicated with the school as soon as is practically possible. Where an assessment is missed due to absence, a medical certificate or other professional documentation must be provided to support the absence so that the assessment can be rescheduled.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Senior School team (5127 9243) if there is anything we can do to support or assist you.
Nicole Taylor
Senior School Leader