College Updates

Uniform Exchange
Book Week
Book Week is next week! Book Week is a week to celebrate all things books. Students will have a daily quiz, a Book Swap on Tuesday and a Dress Up Day on Thursday which is an opportunity to dress as a favourite book character and have some fun!
We hope students embrace Book Week and get involved with the activities on offer.
Science Week
This week was Science Week, where students had a daily quiz and the opportunity to participate in lunchtime activities. Congratulations to the following student's and staff who were our daily quiz winners!
Monday winners
Emerson Skee
Noah Parkinson
Jake Keily
Meg O'Reilly
Mr Lakeman
Mr Abramovitch
Tuesday winners
Chelsea Anderson
Shavonne Beecher
Bailey Beecher
Susan Skrabacz
Dylan White
Ryhanna Tagg
Mr Abramovitch
Riley Baldi
Wednesday winners
Matt Hoekstra
Ashley Paul
Haydn Edwards
Willow Moy
Kaiden Welch
Zane Poxon
Owen Harrington
Mrs Snowdon
Miss Evans
Thursday winners
Imogen Beatson
Riley Elphick
Daniel Edebohls
Declan Osborne
Makayla Turner
Travis Biggin
Mr Cox
Mrs Mair
Friday winners
Willow Moy
Lillian Hornsby
Ayla Grbic
Jaxson French
Harry Brown
Mr Cox
School Fete
Our VM students are organising a community Fete, which is being held on the 7th of September from 3-8pm at the College. We hope to see as many student's, parents and members of the community there, to support the hard work that our VM students have put in to make this event happen.
Catch Up Day for Year 7 and Year 10 Immunisations
Did your Year 7 or Year 10 student miss the Term 1 Immunisations?
Don’t worry, we have arranged a Catch-Up Day on Thursday 5 October 2023, during the first week of Term 4.
An email has been sent through Compass with information, however if you would like to register and give consent, please follow these links to complete the forms online:
Year 7 Students:
Year 10 Students:
Please complete and submit the consent form as soon as possible, consent forms will not be accepted on Immunisation Day.
Year 7 students receive two vaccinations on the National Immunisation Program:
• Human Papillomavirus (HPV), 1 dose*
• Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (whooping cough) booster, 1 dose
* As of February 2023, only one dose of HPV is required for young people under 26 years of age.
Year 10 students receive one vaccination on the National Immunisation Program:
• Meningococcal ACWY, 1 dose
If you are unsure if you have previously returned a consent form or no longer wish for your child to be immunised at school, please contact the Immunisation Team on (03) 5128 6166 or
Your child can also receive these immunisations at any Latrobe City Council Community Immunisation Session: or at a GP clinic.
Should you require further information, please contact the Latrobe City Council Immunisation Team on 5128 6166 or the First Aid Team at Lowanna College on 5127 9200.
Arts Department Update
The Arts Team is excited for the upcoming event of 'A Night of Music and Art'. The event will feature a soiree from the Music Department featuring group and solo performances from across the year levels. VCE Art students will present their body of work and will be available for discussion and questions during intermission. Selected VM students and Café Culture students will plan, create and serve refreshments and scones at intermission as well. The evening will celebrate the interconnectedness of the Arts at our College and demonstrate the excellence and hard work of our students in these subject areas. The event will start at 7pm on the 23rd of August in the Lowanna Auditorium.
The Music Department and students have spent the last two weeks recording Lowanna College's first ever in-house album. We have written and recorded 11 tracks with a diverse range of music, from Country to Pop to Rock to RnB and many more. The album will be released to all streaming services later this year. The Arts Team is currently seeking students to design artwork for the album cover. Please see any of the music or art staff for further information.
On Sunday the 13th of August, the Middle School band played songs at 'The Jam Tin', which is a community open mic day located at the Newborough RSL. The band had a very successful afternoon in winning 'The Pick of The Day'.
Visual Arts Year Level Updates
Year 7 Art students are working on their drawing skills and learning how to apply values and textures in still-life drawings.
Year 8 Art students have finished their landscape paintings. They learnt about colour theory and schemes, atmospheric perspective, tinting and shading, and how to apply brush techniques to different landscape features. Students have now started the visual communication unit and are learning about the design process, font, target audience, and how to utilise the elements of design. Students have ventured into sculpture and are working collaboratively to apply designs to paper mâché models.
Year 9 Painting and Drawing students are finishing their assessment on contour line and observational drawing. Students have learnt about materials, processes and techniques utilised in Prehistoric art and traditional Japanese and Chinese art. Students are currently learning about how artwork can be interpreted through a cultural lens. Students have started their unit on drawing techniques and are currently exploring and experimenting with a variety of techniques in their folios. Featured artwork is by Eve Douglas, Jack Jeffery, Chloe Chandler, Mia-Jayde Wal, and Bryanna Perkins.
Year 10 Ceramics students are finishing their tile and knots and crosses board projects. Students have learnt about planning an artwork using the design process. Students are finishing glazing their projects for kiln firing.
Year 12 Art Creative Practice students are diligently working on finishing their mock-ups and starting their final artwork in order to present at the Music and Art Soiree later in August. Students have finished refining and resolving their personal concept and idea through reflecting on their use of visual language including subject matter, materials and techniques, and the elements and principles of art.
Science Update
Year 7 and 8 Science
This Term, our Year 7's have been learning about Forces and our Year 8's about Chemistry.
Year 11 Biology
On the 27th and 28th of July, Mr. McInnes's Year 11 Biology class attended an excursion to the Enviro Micro Lab at the Gippsland Tech School at Yallourn. Students investigated DNA technologies, including how scientists can test for Covid-19. Students had a lot of new learning, including using different scientific equipment. Students were fantastic over the two days!
Girls in Physics Breakfast
On the 16th of August, in line with a host of Science Week activities and celebrations across the College and the broader community, the girls in our Year 12 Physics class got up early to join students from other schools across the region for a ‘Girls in Physics’ Breakfast at the Century Inn in Traralgon. Students were treated to a delicious breakfast at tables with female representatives from different STEM related careers across the region. They were able to broaden their insight into the pathways, opportunities and challenges in pursuing a career in STEM. The keynote for the session was Professor Rachel Webster, an eminent astrophysicist, whose research and teaching in cosmology and black holes in renowned around the world. Professor Webster has a keen interest in climate physics and especially geothermal energy. To introduce her subject Professor Webster spoke to the students about the irrefutable scientific evidence of the impact of energy consumption on the climate of the planet and the direct correlation between energy consumption and global warming. She spoke to the students about the possibilities and potential of geothermal energy that exist right here in the Latrobe Valley, and what that might look like in agriculture, industry, business and employment in coming years. It was exciting to see and hear how much research has gone into the feasibility and sustainability of an energy alternative that would benefit the environment and help arrest the progression of global warming. The direct link to the geography, resources and accessibility in the Latrobe Valley truly anchored the keynote speech in both reality and relevance. Most people in the room were surprised to learn that geothermal energy has already been harnessed in the Latrobe Valley for heating the new Gippsland Regional Aquatic Centre. The possibilities moving forward are many and varied and it was exciting for the students to see new technologies and indeed career opportunities come to life, especially in a local context.