Classroom Update


Grade 4/5G

Mrs. Liz Grant
Mrs. Liz Grant

Mrs. Liz Grant


Welcome to Term Three, the year is flying by!


Our 4/5 class have settled back into learning extremely well. Our Inquiry unit this term is called ‘Someone else’s Shoes’.  Being in someone else’s shoes allows us to imagine how we would feel and how we might act if we were them. We will also look into the organisation and aids that support people with disabilities.


Our Writing focus is writing biographies. An interview form was sent home last week for your child to interview an older family member, with this information the children will be writing a biography about the person interviewed. Please ensure these are returned by the end of this week. 



Yesterday our Grade 5/6 leaders were commissioned as FIRE Carriers. 

The aim of the FIRE Carrier Project is to promote respect, fairness and inclusion for Aboriginal people. The FIRE Carrier Project promotes enculturation and Reconciliation in Sandhurst schools. The FIRE Carrier project Covenant is like a Reconciliation Action Plan. To be a FIRE Carrier is to exercise an important leadership role in the school community. FIRE carriers are students and teachers that share a passion for learning about Aboriginal culture and history and are committed to sharing this knowledge and promoting reconciliation within and beyond the school community.


Have a wonderful week!