Principal's Message

Mrs. Cassie Lynch

Principal's Report

Dear Families & Carers,


Welcome to another exciting week here at Our Lady's Primary School. This week we have some very exciting activities for our students to enjoy!


On Monday during our Assembly, we commissioned our FIRE Carriers. This year, our student leadership voiced the opinion that they would all like to be commissioned as FIRE Carriers in our school. We thought this is a wonderful opportunity to engage in Indigenous Culture and approved this request from our Grade 5/6 Leaders. 


The aim of the FIRE (Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education) Carrier Project is to promote respect, fairness and inclusion for Aboriginal people. The FIRE Carrier Project promotes enculturation and reconciliation in Sandhurst schools. The FIRE Carrier project Covenant is like a Reconciliation Action Plan.


What is the role of a FIRE Carrier?

To be a FIRE Carrier is to exercise an important leadership role in the school community. FIRE carriers are students and teachers that share a passion for learning about Aboriginal culture and history and are committed to sharing this knowledge and promoting reconciliation within and beyond the school community.


Our School

Our vision for Reconciliation is to be a place of learning and teaching that respects Aboriginal protocols, history and culture. We will have strong and mutually beneficial relationships with Aboriginal communities. These relationships will provide for the sharing of knowledge and ideas, and the opportunity to listen and learn from Aboriginal Australians about the past, their current circumstances, and their vision for the future. We will be a place where Aboriginal culture is respected and celebrated.


To learn more about our covenant, visit our website.


Please don't forget to book your Parent/Teacher Interview via our online booking system. Details about the system are on the next page. If this seems all too hard, please give us a call and we will happily book an appointment for you. 


We have two reported incidences of Head Lice in the 1/2 & 4/5 areas. This is a timely reminder to check your child's hair and your obligation to treat head lice. Please find below an information sheet with all your school requirements;



Also during our Assembly on Monday we celebrated our 'Student of the Week' for each classroom. Congratulations to the following students;


Foundation: Michael

Grade 1/2BH: Isla K

Grade 1/2NH: Evie

Grade 3/4WY: Summer

Grade 4/5G: Isla W

Grade 5/6G: Henry


Our Class dojo raffle winner this week was also announced. Congratulations to Makoan in Foundation for taking out the win. 





Cassie Lynch