School Captain News 

SCHOOL CAPTAINS NEWS:   Welcome to our news for week 5. 


Things happening in Week 6

  • Bishop Visit on Thursday for Year 6 Confirmation 
  • Year 6 Confirmation on Sunday at 1.00 pm at Kolbe College
  • Friday at 2.40 pm the unveiling of our new school song, everyone welcome.

Yard Slips


This week’s winners are: Antargat from 1D for being responsible and Aiden from 4A for being respectful.

Congratulations to everyone who received a yard slip this week. Keep up the good work!


House Points

Teresa: 6

Kolbe: 5

Romero: 3

Samaritan: 1

Come on Samaritan!


Behaviour Bucks

This week's winners are: 2A with a whopping 50 points and 6A with a great total of 42.

Congratulations, we hope you enjoy your reward.


Teacher Interview

This week we interviewed two other leaders in our school.

Mrs Harvey our Mathematics Leader and Mrs Murray our EAL Leader. 

Below are some of their favourite things and some other questions we asked.

Mrs. Sonya Harvey

Mrs. Emma Murray 


Fav Maths Game Creator- Dr Paul Swan


Fav maths game- Cards or chance and data 


What yer did you start teaching? - 2003 I have been here for 20 years. 


Fav thing about OLPS- is the community and the fact that every student has each other's back and so does every  teacher


Fav Math Tool- DICE!!! it can be used in anything


Fav maths strategy-

Multiplication because it is most important and is needed the most.


Fav Color - Purple and Green

Footy team-Hawthorn

What is your favourite part about being the leader of the EAL team- When I see students speaking English and seeing their growth.


What is your favourite thing to teach students - vocabulary, practice, and revising 


Fav thing about OLPS 

Students growth and being here for 22 years I have seen a lot of great changes.


How long were you a classroom teacher for- 21 years


How long have you been an EAL leader-

2 years


Fav food-Thai food 

Fav colour- blue

Fav animal- Butterflies 

Fav AFL team-Richmond

Have a great weekend everyone! Stay tuned on this page for some exciting news coming up in the next week or two.  Go Roos (from Jesse).