Principal's Piece 

God's Love and Care for All

Dear Parents/Carers,


Last week the Fair Work Commission approved the Catholic Education Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2022 (CEMEA 2022).  The new Catholic Education Multi Enterprise Agreement for school staff introduces a comprehensive framework to govern employment conditions, remuneration, and professional development in Catholic Schools in Victoria. The agreement has notable implications for school camps and extracurricular activities as the new award acknowledges the work teachers perform outside their normal working day.  The School Advisory Council will be examining the new employment guidelines and providing guidance as to how Our Lady's can align its operations with the new agreement and continue to provide an excellent educational facility.



Year 6 Retreat Day: I wanted to give all our year six students a shout-out for their attitude and involvement at the Retreat Day last Tuesday. They travelled to Amberley situated in Lower Plenty with a focus on their Confirmation journey. The day provided an opportunity for all year six students not only those who are preparing for the sacrament, to reflect on the qualities of what makes a good person. The Group who led the day couldn't speak highly enough of our students and their willingness to participate in all the activities. I was also impressed with the way they were able to listen at the appropriate times and then respond. Always a challenge with a large group of year sixes. Most importantly they enjoyed and ate all the snags, donuts, and fruit! Well done to all students and their dedicated teachers- Julia Pozzebon, Mardeen Mikhael, Zac Wright (he was coaching soccer that day) and David Nolan.


Craigieburn Rd Upgrade: The lanes are slowly coming together and the final arrangements outside Our Lady's will be completed with a guard rail being installed along the length of our school. This was not part of the original plan but safety wins out in the end. Parking is going to be a challenge until the completion of works which will be sometime next year. Hence the need for everyone to take a leaf out of our year six students' confirmation focus and display some patience, self-control and understanding during these times. Parking at Selwyn Rd and crossing at Bridgewater Rd will be available again from Tuesday



On another disappointing note, the traffic control persons on Bridgewater Rd were sworn at by parents crossing during school time. I think we are better than that and it is a sad reflection on our school community. 


It's back again this year and we invite all our fathers and children along to breakfast later in the month to celebrate Father's Day 2023. 

Please follow the link to book in. 



Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS): Monday 28 August – Friday 15 September 2023

Throughout each year, we pause to listen to our students, families and staff to gauge how our learning community is travelling. This feedback is invaluable to our progress as effective school communities and is backed by evidence-based research and best practices.  Please follow the link to a letter outlining the program. All parents will have the opportunity to participate in the survey.



On a sad note, Bob Brown the founding Principal of Good Samaritan passed away this week. Bob was a tireless worker and supporter of Catholic Education, especially in the Our Lady's Parish, and he dedicated his life to his school community. Bob was a great support to me when I commenced here at Our Lady's, thirteen years ago and his wisdom and foresight enabled Catholic education to flourish across the vacant paddocks that became the homes of our school families. Bob built Good Samaritan from a vacant paddock to the excellent educational facility it is today in Roxburgh Park . I met with Bob earlier this year and his one regret was that he wouldn't be around to see Collingwood win the premiership this year! Rest in peace Bob and our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this sad time. 


Congratulations to Mr Whitty and our Athletics team who were successful at taking first place in the team's competition at 





Plus... Book Week is coming please check out details in the Classroom News section of the newsletter


Take care


Paul McEntee
