Assistant Principal Report

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” 


Welcome back to Term 3


It is with great pleasure that I welcome everyone back to Term 3. A new semester is a perfect opportunity to refocus and set our goals for the year's second half. Goal setting is a high-impact strategy and is an effective way to map out a clear path to success. Students are reminded that goal setting for semester two can be found in the College diary. 


As we commence a new semester it is timely to remind our girls of our expectations regarding digital devices and uniform. 



Use of Digital Devices and Online Services Policy 


Sydney Catholic Schools has implemented a new Student use of Digital Devices and Online Services Policy.  While digital devices play a valuable role in student learning, some devices like mobile phones and smart watches can cause distractions in class and hinder social development when used during breaks. 


The policy establishes guidelines on device usage, specifically identifying restricted times and device types during the school day. In case of genuine emergencies or the need for your daughter to contact you, the front office can connect you. Since our College already has rules regarding mobile phone usage already in effect, we anticipate that this policy will have minimal impact on our students.



Please be reminded that the Uniform Code of Conduct is located in the College Diary. The wearing of the College uniform reflects our College to the broader community and the expectation therefore, is that all students maintain a high standard of neatness while wearing our uniform. The College blazer is always compulsory when the winter uniform is worn. The navy rain jacket is not to be worn with the College uniform unless it is raining. Similarly, the Sport Jacket is not to be worn with the College uniform. Finally, girls who consciously wear the Sports uniform when they should be wearing the College uniform will be issued demerits.


School Opal Card Compliance Follow-Up


We have been notified by Transport for NSW that many students are still failing to Tap On and Off with their School or Child/Youth Opal Cards.  This is a real concern and puts several school bus routes at risk of being redistributed by Transport for NSW to areas with a greater need.


It is a condition of the Student Code of Conduct when travelling that students must Tap On and Off with their School Opal Card or Child/Youth Opal Card every time when using public transport. This is so that Transport for NSW can understand customer travel patterns and adjust the services provided, if necessary.


We kindly ask that all parents/guardians ensure that their daughter(s) have a valid Opal card for travelling to and from school each day and that you encourage your daughter(s) to Tap On and Off. 


To be eligible for a School Opal Card the student must:

  • be a resident of NSW, or an overseas student eligible for free government education.
  • live a minimum distance from our school:
    • Years 7-12 (Secondary) - 2km straight line distance or 2.9km walking or further.

If you do not meet these criteria, your daughter will need to carry a Child/Youth Opal card with funds loaded onto it.


If your child’s School Opal Card has expired or been damaged, lost or stolen, please visit, to reapply.


If you are still waiting for your School Opal Card to arrive, please follow up with OPAL directly, by calling 131 500.


Commencing this term, drivers will also start requesting that all school students Tap On as they board.


Julie Norman

Assistant Principal