News from 

our Principal 

 Mrs Sue Clay

Dear Parents,


Last week I was fortunate to spend time at Mittagong on retreat with some Principal colleagues. The theme over the two days was centered around "Walking with the Spirit " and "The Cup of Life." The time away provided me with the opportunity for personal growth and reflection. Surrounded by the tranquil beauty of Mittagong, I had the chance to engage in meaningful discussions, workshops, and activities that centered around our spiritual and emotional well-being. The retreat's theme encouraged us to explore the ways in which we can align our actions and decisions with our inner values and aspirations.


“Walking with the Spirit”


This theme encouraged us to reflect on the paths we are taking in our personal and professional lives. We discussed the importance of staying connected to our true selves and how to open up our hearts to the Holy Spirit who will help guide us and inspire us with joy. The retreat provided a space for us to share our own journeys, challenges, and triumphs, fostering a sense of community and support among the educators present.


“The Cup of Life”

"The Cup of Life" served as a metaphor for nurturing our own well-being in order to better serve others, particularly our students and school communities. We prayed and explored strategies to find balance, manage stress, and cultivate a sense of purpose. Just as a cup needs to be filled before it can overflow with goodness, we recognised the importance of tending to our own spirits in order to be effective leaders and mentors.


As I return from this retreat, I am inspired and rejuvenated. The time I had to pray, reflect and make connections will undoubtedly shape the way I continue to approach my role as a principal and my interactions with the students. I look forward to sharing the lessons learned with our school community and working together to create an even more enriching educational and faith filled environment.


Finally, in the spirit of celebrating achievements, the Swifts and Matildas, our national women's netball and soccer teams, have recently achieved remarkable success as they work towards their goal of winning the World Cup in their sports! These accomplishments are a testament to the power of dedication, teamwork, and unwavering belief. The Swifts and Matildas' triumphs remind us all that with determination and unity, we can achieve great things. 

Tell Them From Me Survey Feedback

Thank you to the families who recently completed the Tell them From Me Partners in Learning survey. In addition to staff and student responses, the results provide us with rich insights into the perspectives, values and attitudes across our community. 


All seven areas analysed in the parent survey sit above the average for other schools in the Sydney Catholic Schools system. This is an excellent result.


Some of the strongest areas highlighted in the survey included:


Safety at school

My child feels safe at school

Behaviour issues are dealt with in a timely manner 


Parents feel welcome 

I feel welcome when I visit the school

Written information from the school is in clear, plain language

I can easily speak with my child's teachers


Parents support learning at home

I encourage my child to do well at school 

I praise my child for doing well at school

I talk with my child about feelings towards other children at school 


Schools supports positive behaviour

Teachers expect my child to pay attention in class

My child is clear about the rules for school behaviour 


School supports learning

Teachers expect my child to work hard

My child is encouraged to do his or her best work.

Parent Rep Meeting Term 3

Our next Parent Rep meeting will be held on:

Friday 25th August at 2:15pm in the library.


All are welcome to discuss school initiatives and fundraising efforts. Any general business items for discussion must be submitted beforehand to:







Mrs Sue Clay | Principal