Principal's Report

By Carolyn Serpell

Thank you to everyone who came along yesterday, to support our Book Parade and Book Fair!  We also really appreciate the effort from families in helping students with their costumes.  Once again, there was an amazing array of costumes and characters, and we really appreciate your support in making this happen.  Our Book Fair was also well supported with around $1400 in sales.  

A big thank you to

 Nicole for her organisation and to all staff for their participation and contribution to the day's activities.  Book Day is a major highlight in our school calendar and one our students will remember for many years.  

The first day of our Downhill Ski/Snowboard program was held on Tuesday in perfect weather conditions.  Many thanks to all involved for enabling this last minute change to go ahead.  I would particularly like to thank our staff, volunteers and Falls Creek Coaches for their flexibility in providing this program for our students.  Day 2 of this program is planned for tomorrow, followed by a third and final day next Tuesday, 15th August.


Today, students in Years 3 and 4 participated in their 3rd day of X-Country.  After two days of sunshine, skiing in fresh and falling snow provided another new experience for many of our students.  Apart from continuing to strengthen their skills, there was also the opportunity to do some trekking and to make the odd snowman! A big thank you to Sheepy, Belinda, Steph, Mary, Kathryn, Kath, Alison, Bronwyn, Michelle,Misa, Nathan and the instructors from Falls Creek XC for their ongoing support with this program.


This week, parents and carers were sent information and a link, via Compass, inviting you to participate in the annual Parent Opinion Survey. While the survey is optional, your voice is important and we encourage all families to participate.  Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.