Religious News

A Big Thank You...

Thank you to everyone who attended our Grandparents and Grandfriends mass and activities last Friday. It made the day so special for the children. Also a big thank you to families who provided a plate of food to share - everyone really appreciated that.


Next Thursday 10th  August, we are having our Silly Sock Day where the students are able to wear a pair of silly socks with their school uniform. It is a gold coin donation which will be donated to the Mary MacKillop Foundation and then this money assists children and adults in need in Australia and neighbouring countries.

In the spirit of Saint Mary MacKillop, the foundation works to transform lives with dignity and self-determination.

Mary MacKillop fiercely believed in the power of education to lift communities out of poverty. She chose to teach everyone - regardless of gender, race, faith or wealth - while serving with love and compassion.

Mary MacKillop's work is still unfinished. Many people are still unable to break the cycle of poverty because they can't access education.

Mary MacKillop Today proudly continues her extraordinary 150-year-old legacy, so that all people have the opportunity to flourish.

Mary MacKillop Today works hard to ensure fair access to education for people to have the tools to realise their full potential.

This involves working with communities to create change by teaching practical skills to women, men and children in Australia, Timor-Leste, Fiji and Peru.


"Let no obstacle deter us from proceeding with courage" 

Saint Mary MacKillop, 1893